Chapter 8

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Addie's POV -two months later-
Niall had to go to work with the boys for a bit. He said he'd be back soon though so I wasn't worried.

I was watching TV when I felt the familiar feeling j had two months ago. I ran to the bathroom ad puked. That's when the thought finally hit me. I was late. By two months!

I called El, Perrie, and Soph and told them what happened. They arrived about 20 minutes later. They had a small Walgreens bag.

"You ok babe?" El said, handing me the box.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just scared." I said. They nodded and walked out of the bathroom. I closed the door and opened the box. I took the pregnancy test out and I took it.
----------5 minutes later-------------
I took the test in my hand, too scared to look. Finally, I opened my hand.....and sure enough.......positive. What am I going to do?! Niall and I aren't even married, let alone engaged!!
I started to cry.

The girls opened the door and comforted me.

"OMG!! It's positive!!" Perrie and Soph yelled at the same time.

"But what if Niall gets mad. What if he hates me?  What if he leav-" I said but was cut off.

"Baby! I'm home!" Niall said. The girls said they will leave so I can tell Niall. I hugged them goodbye and they left.

I grabbed the test and hid it behind my back.

"Hey babe!" I said, faking a smile.

"Niall, sit." I said, pointing to the couch. Niall looked at me worried.

"What wrong babe?" He said. I took a deep breath and looked down. I sat on the couch next to Niall.

"Niall, I'm pregnant." I said. Not even a second after I said it, Niall was all on me. He was kissing me and hugging me and rubbing my tummy. I cried tears of joy, and so did Niall.

"Niall, what do we do? We aren't even-" I was cut off by Niall on one knee.

"Baby, I was gonna do this later, but knows a great time to do this. Will you marry me?" He asked. I cried.

"Yes!" I screamed, hugging him.

How did I become Niall's Princess?? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora