Chp.2 De'Andre in MM^^^^^

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Destiny's POV
After I took the piece of paper that had Drakes number on it I drove to the mall so I can get some shampoo and other feminine hygiene things as i was leaving the mall I seen my Ex De'Andre walking in as We walked By each other he stared but I ain't even gonna lie he is so cute when I walked past him he turned around

Andre ~ so you not even gone say hey"he shouted

I turned around and stood there looking at him bluntly

Me - hey" I said with a sigh of attitude Cuz I've had a rough ass day and I don't have the time or the patience

Andre ~ so how have you been"he said showing off his million dollar smile

Me - fine

Andre ~ you still living it up with Chris

Me - and this is ur business how" I said with my hand on my hip

Andre ~ I'm just curious! This my first time seeing you somewhere without him all up Ur ass" he said honestly and truthfully

Me - I have to go "I said turning around and walking away

Andre ~ aye "he said jogging up to me

Me - what De'Andre jacquees blare what do you want

Andre ~ why you got to say my government name ?

Me - Cuz I don't like you

Andre ~ what's ur problem

Me - im just tired "I said looking him in the eyes

Andre ~ I know when your lying what's wrong? is it Chris?

Me - look can you just leave me tf alone

My eyes filled with tears I looked at Andre and I knew he could read me like a book Cuz right then and there he gave me a hug

Andre ~ okay Destiny but just know I'm always gone be here if you ever need me "he said breaking the hug

Me - okay " I said walking out to my car I opened the door put my bags in the passenger seat

I put my key in the ignition I started her up then took my phone out my purse I checked the time and it was 7:40pm I text Nicki and told her I was on my way

20 minutes later I pulled up at the big gate inFront of her house and clicked the buzzer I put my thumb on the finger scanner and the gates opened I pulled up behind Nicki's car and jogged up the steps I rung the door bell and meek opens the door Omg she is still dating this prick "Jesus !" I push him aside and walk in like I own the place! I heard noise in the kitchen I jogged to the kitchen to see NiNi making a pizza

Me : hey" I said walking up to her giving her a hug

NiNi : hey boo you hungry

Me : hell to the yes niggah "I said as meek walks in

He walks up to Nicki and hugs her from behind

Meek : babe why yo friend so damn mean "he said looking at me mugging me and shit

Me : Ohh please "I said giving him the stank face

NiNi : yo chill "she said pushing meek away so she can put the food in the oven

Me : do you need help

NiNi : no I got this "she said closing the ovens door

Me : ight Imma go chill in the living room ok

NiNi : ok

I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch I sat up and grabbed the tv remote I put the TV on Netflix I searched the movie dope and watched it when I got to the part where that Thot lily thru up on Malcolm lml just then meek snatches the remote and Exits the movie

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