Chapter One

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By the way, I haven’t really introduced myself, haven’t I? Well, let me start. I am Yellow Leira. A normal 18-year-old before any of this began.

By “this”, I mean the devastation left behind by the worldwide extinction event two months ago. The air became contaminated, turning all humans to crazy bloodthirsty mutants. How about me, you ask? I was one of the few humans who were immune to the deadly air. I don’t even know why. All I knew was I lived through the disaster that struck.

Now that you know me, let me tell my tale.

My story began on that fateful day of September 12, 2081. It was the day  I turned sixteen.

It began quite uneventful. My adoptive parents threw a cheap pseudo-party in my honor. I didn’t really care to notice. I hated my parents. It’s partly because they’re not my real parents, also partly because they were a meddlesome pair of jerks. Oh well.

I opened the TV instead and instantly seen the junk they called war propaganda. I crinkled my nose in disgust and turned it off already. The government always dominated the TV with their trash about their efforts in the World War III, which broke out ten years ago. Millions already died as a result. But the battles were countless of miles away from here. I was safe, but not from their lies 

I decided to head outside.

I slowly crept out of the house into the bustling city park. That day, the park was full of different types of people. Hobos, vendors, kids and many more filled the wide space of the park. Faraway, I quickly recognized the face of my best friend, Xavier. He was standing in the midst of the crowd. I walked swiftly and happily in his direction.

“Happy birthday!” he greeted with a grin.

“Thanks dude.” I smiled in return.

          I stared at him. Xavier, or X as I call him, was still the same guy he was ten years ago, when we first met. Tall, thin, and bespectacled, he was more than often the target of bullies. Funny thing was, I have never seen him fight back. EVER. He is more of a silent-type. I remember when we were still kids, one fat-ass kid—


I suddenly snapped back to reality.

          “Huh? What did you say?” I asked in confusion.

          “You spaced out.” He began laughing hard.

“Sorry ‘bout that. What were you saying just a while ago?” I said.

Then his face turned serious. Damn.

“So as I was saying, I am going to fight in Anatheia as a reserve army officer. I’m heading out tonight.”

I stared at him for a moment. It took time to sink in.

          “WHAT?!” I screamed at him in surprise. “Don’t go!”

          “I can’t. The Law requires me to.”

Oh darn. I forgot. The Law required all male residents of our country above 19 years of age to fight in the war as part of the reserve army.

For the first time in my life I was afraid. Afraid for Xavier. Afraid for my friend. Afraid of the dark and hazy future ahead of us.

“You can’t do this! Please don’t leave. Stay.” I begged Xavier with misty eyes.

“If only I can. I wish I can. I’m heading out tonight.” He answered sadly. “I’m sorry.”

Of all days, he’ll leave on my birthday? Oh, what a great birthday gift. And when I thought my birthday wasn’t gonna get worse, it rained. Hard.

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          We ran to a nearby diner. But the downpour just won’t let up. A bunch of other people also chose this diner as their shelter in the darn storm.

          “I’m going home now. I’m still in the middle of packing my things. I’m sorry.” He retrieved his umbrella.

          “No! Please don’t leave!” Tears formed in my eyes.

          “I’m sorry. I’ll be back.” He spoke in a soft manner.


          “Heck yeah.” He smiled, then walked out the door.

Little did I know, that was the last time I was going to see him.

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