Chapter 3

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Hope you all enjoy!!
Chapter 3
Jo's pov

       I came home from school at about 10, late again. I was hoping Blair wouldn't be mad that I had missed dinner again. I walked in the house and closed the door slowly and quietly because I was expecting Blair to be asleep like last night. I quietly took off my shoes and coat while I was doing so I jumped at the sound of Blair's voice.
     "Hi Jo!" She smiled at me and then walked into the lounge. I noticed she had a tray with 4 coffee cups on it. What the hell was she doing? I followed her into the lounge and looked at the coffee table, there were probably over 20 empty cups just sitting there.
     "Um Blair did you have guests over?"
She looked at me and then at the table and laughed.
     "Oh no these were all from me..." She drifted off the sentence
     "You drank 20 cups of coffee?"
      "May I ask why?"
      "I have to stay awake to study for this test Jo you don't understand I have to pass this test I have too!" She yelled, I see the coffee is working.
      "Okay Blair but it's 10 at night and I don't think it's healthy for you to be drinking that so put it down and lets go to bed. You can study again tomorrow"
      "No Jo you don't understand I have to pass the test and it's tomorrow!"
      "Blair I understand but you've had enough for tonight now go upstairs and get ready for bed, I'll clean this up and be up there in a bit" she sighed in frustration but finally agreed to go to bed. Thank the lord.
      I finished cleaning up the mess, shut everything off and went upstairs to find Blair in bed. I quickly changed into my pajamas and got into bed with her. I could tell she was tired so I gave her a quick kiss and laid down with her.
      I stretched my arms out and sat up. I looked at the clock and it read 5:36 am. For one why was the light on and for two why was I awake. I looked over and saw Blair up and reading. You've got to be kidding me.
       "Blair it's 5:30 in the morning and you're seriously studying?"
She turned around and I noticed she had been crying. I forgot about being mad and quickly hugged her.
       "What's wrong princess?"
She sniffed her nose and looked at me
       "It's too hard I don't understand this"
       "Blair it's okay we can work on it tomorrow" she just started crying again
       "Okay Blair I know it wasn't just this question your crying about, do you mind telling me what's really on your mind?"
       "I'm just so tired of it all"
       "What's that's mean?"
       "You. You go to school in the morning and you work your butt off, then you come home late and we go straight to bed. I barely ever see you and I really wanted to get into law school so maybe that could change. Maybe I could be the one working and giving you a break and then I could see you more cause we'd both be at the same place" I had no idea. I had no idea she felt this way and it made me feel like shit. I was supposed to be there for her and I wasn't, I couldn't even tell that there was something wrong. What kind of girlfriend am I?
         "Blair honey I'm so sorry. Im sorry I haven't been here but I'm trying to finish school as soon as possible so we can really start our lives together. And don't ever think you have to do this for me. This is for you! You do what makes you happy. Don't stress over something just so I can have a break, it was my choice to choose this career. And don't worry about this test cause you'll do just fine, you always do" I got up and shut the light off and then
I gave her a huge hug and laid her back down with me. I kept my arms around her and looked down at her beautiful face.
           "I love you Jo" she said to me
           " I love you to Blair, more than you can imagine"
      I woke up the next morning and slowly got out off bed careful not to wake Blair. I got dressed, gave her a kiss on her forehead and headed to school.
Blairs pov

    I woke up and my first thought was the test is today. If I don't pass this test I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. Jo would probably leave me and I- okay Blair stop thinking like that. I then got out of bed and dressed in my best outfit I had. I ran downstairs ate breakfast and headed for the door. Today's the day that determines my future.

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