It'll Be Okay

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*Dipper's POV*
Light barely shines through my window, and today is already my most dreaded day. The day I have to leave The Falls and the love of my life. I can feel him roll over, I don't know if he's awake though. Why can't I just stay one more day. Why can't he just come with me? It's not like a demon has a life to keep up with.

*Bill's POV*
I roll over and stare into the back of Dipper's head. Why can't he stay one more day? Why can't I go with him? Its not like I have a life to keep up with. His parents though. They probably won't like me. Why can't I just be a normal human for him. Why can't our love just be easy? I guess the good things aren't easy.

I wrap my arms around him, and he immediately turns around in bed and hugs me back. We sit this way for a long time. I want it to last forever. Then, I hear a small sniffle. "Dipper love are you crying?" I ask looking down at him. He doesn't say anything, but holds me tighter. "Hey baby it'll be okay. I'll see you everyday. I'll see you in your dreams and thoughts and I'll come down when you have time off school okay?" I say, smoothing his hair trying to ease his thoughts. "We'll be okay. Shhh. I promise." I say holding him, tears welling in my eyes.

At this point he is sobbing uncontrollably. I can feel him struggle to breathe in between cries. "Hey, don't worry about the future. Worry about right now, and right now there's nothing to worry about. I've got you in my arms, and nothing can take you away. Okay?" I say.

*Dipper's POV* I wouldn't be this upset if I knew I'd see him. But I don't know. Everything he says could be a lie. God dammit! Why do I love him?! After all he's put me through, and I still love him? Why? Just... why? "Hey Pine Tree..." Bill says. I unbury my head from his chest and look up. "I love you." He says, tracing the birthmark on my forehead. "I love you too." I say back.

Bill pulls my head towards his and we kiss. God, why do I love him? I just know I'm gonna miss him, and its gonna hurt like hell.

*Bill's POV*
Fuck, I'm gonna miss my Pine Tree. I love him so much, I'm going to do everything I can to see him as much as possible.

From there, we just sit in each other's embrace. Maybe it was hours, minutes, seconds. I don't know. But Dipper eventually had to leave with his sister. God, that hurt like nothing else.

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