Chapter Six

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Dante's POV:

It's been 9 days. This must be what hell's like. My wolf is restless and there's an ache in my chest that makes it hard to focus on anyone else. My brothers aren't doing much better. Cade is colder than usual, trying to bury himself in his work. While Lars is on a rampage, snapping at and attacking everyone. Though this behavior isn't unusual for him, it seems like every little thing is setting him off these days. He attacked one of the royal guards, Grant, for sneezing yesterday. Lars has known him for his entire life for goddess' sake. Marcus... well at least he's trying to act normal. But that's all it is, an act. He can paste on the fake smile and walk around like everything is hunky-dory, but I can see the truth. Or rather, I can feel it. Being of royal blood, my brothers and I were each born with a gift. Cade has compulsion. A hypnosis of sorts. Lars can read minds. Marcus can heal others. And me, I 'feel'. The technical term is empath. It's like being a telepath. Though I see people's emotions rather than their thoughts. Not the most useful of gifts, but I wouldn't trade my gift with any of my brothers. Though Cade's compulsion would be useful with Lars right now. Someone needs him to cool off. That or a line might start forming for the pack doctor.

I need to run. Get out of the palace. The emotions of my brothers are smothering me. I can barely deal with my emotions right now. I began to focus on my wolf. The familiar swirl of magic flowed through me as a transformed into my fur. I wasted no time, and charged off into the forest. I zig-zagged through the trees, running in no general direction. I was running for a good thirty minutes when I familiar scent washed over me. Peppermint and lilac. 'Mate.' I transformed back to my human skin, knowing if I stayed as a wolf, I would lose control and mark her. I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned just in time to see a beautiful woman with stunning emerald eyes, flinging herself into my arms. I held her close, burying my nose into the crook of her neck. Sparks and heat surged through me where our skin touched. I growl escaped my lips before I could swallow it back. My wolf howled in my mind. 'Mark mate. Make her ours.' I ignored him. When I turned my attention back to my mate, I realized in horror that she was not only shaking by sobbing uncontrollably. I tried to calm her, use my gift to calm her, but she seemed to be inconsolable. I scooped her up into my arms, making my way back towards the palace. Just as it came into sight, she became silent, her breath evening out. I stared down at my now unconscious mate. Holding her in my arms, I felt things were finally coming together. She would make everything alright. If she couldn't, no one else could.

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