How you meet

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 When you arrived with Mary and the other girls you wondered off as soon as you got settled in. Already being in a new place excited you. When you were walking around and got lost then Sebastian found you and that is when you both met.

"My name is Sebastian. What is yours,"he asked you.

"My name is Y/N,"you replied back and after that a beautiful friendship started.


 When Mary was almost killed,you both were sent to France so she would marry Francis. When you both arrived she saw Francis and they both introduced themselves to each other but when Francis saw you...he had to know who you were.

"And you are,"he asked you.

"Oh forgive me. My name is Y/N,"you said with a small smile.

King Henry

 When Mary and the rest of her ladies,including you,arrived in France you meet King Henry. There was a party and you snuck away with a drink in your hand and began to wonder around the castle.

"May I ask why you are wondering around near my chambers,"a voice asked you. Startled you turn and see King Henry.

"Oh forgive me my King I was just walking around and exploring,"you said nervously. You were in the presence of a king so why wouldn't you be.

"What is your name,"he asked.

"Why do you want to know,"you snapped but then regretted it. Snapping at a king can result into something bad.

"Because I have to know a name of a beautiful women,"he said with a smirk which made you blush.

"Y/N. My name is Y/N."


"Greer! We have to get back to Mary." You yelled whispered to your sister Greer. There was a ball tonight and you had to make sure that everything with Mary was ready. She just continued to walk through the castle.

"I have to see someone first." She said when you to stopped in front of a guy. He looked and Greer and smiled. Then he saw you and raised an eyebrow.

"Greer,who is this?" He asked walking up to her.

"This is my sister y/n." She said introducing you.

"Nice to meet you." He said with a warm friendly smile which you returned.

"Same to you."

Louis Conde

You were walking the halls of the castle late at night. Things in the castle have become so hectic that you were not able to find sleep for the past few nights. As you walked the hallways you heard someone walking in the halls which made you become frightened a little bit.

"Hello?" You called out but all your voice did was echo in the hallways. Deciding to go back to your room you turn around but when you do you crash into a tall figure.

"Oh my goodness. Forgive me. I did not see you there." You said looking up at the person you bumped into. Louis Conde. King Francis's cousin.

"It is alright. It should be me who is apologizing for bumping into you...." He said trailing off not knowing your name.

"My name is y/n." You said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you y/n."


You had just arrived in court in your brother's kingdom. You wanted to give him a surprise visit to him and Mary. As you were walking to his throne room a man stood outside of the door.

"The King isn't seeing anyone right now miss. You would have to come back later." He said in a grumble as he had his arms crossed over his chest. You raised your eyebrow.

"I think he would make an exception for me. Seeing as I am his sister." You said with a smile slightly filled with pride.

"Ah. Another sister of King Francis. What is your name?" He asked as he took your hand and placed a kiss on the back of it which made a slight blush appear on your cheeks.

"Y/n and you are?"

"Lord Narcisse but you can call me Stephane."

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