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In my time in the underground, I had been given nothing but mercy, kindness, and compassion. Things I had never even known about on the surface. Why? Why were such loving creatures sealed away? At that moment, I knew I had to save them. They needed to obtain revenge on the very humans who had sealed them under. Thus, I began my plan. My plan to save them all.

Mother tells me that chocolate isn't the only good sweet in the world, and she bakes me a cinnamon-butterscotch pie. It has become my second favorite sweet since then. I love my mother very much.

Father shows me around the castle garden, and tells me about the many different flowers that he had grown on the surface. Do not worry Father, I will make sure you will be able to see the flowers of the surface again, especially your favorite, the buttercups.

My best friend, Asriel. He's only smiled, cried, and smiled even more since I've met him. He's supported me in everything I do. He gave me a locket that he says symbolizes our eternal friendship. I love you, Asriel... I'll make sure you're always happy.

In order for my plan to work, I realize, I must sacrifice myself. But how do I make it look as if it were an accident...? Ah, I'll find out soon enough.

Me and Asriel decided to make pie today, to surprise our parents. It went terribly wrong, however, for we confused buttercups with cups of butter. Father had gotten terribly sick. Afterwards, he told us that buttercups were deadly, poisonous plants, but that he was alright since he was a big guy. I laughed to myself... This was perfect! Thank you, Father... You bore this pain for the sake of our family.

I decide to seek Asriel's help with my thought out plan. After days of him playing around with his camera, I tell him about my plan. It's perfect, I envisioned everything in place, and my plan becoming a success. At first, Asriel is a bit reluctant, but I am able to convince him that we will be saving all of monsterkind.

The next day, I walk into the castle garden. Father would not be around, for he had a meeting with the Royal Scientist. I stand by the bright bed of buttercups, taking a deep breath. Picking one at first, I take it and place it in my mouth. Then I take another, and another, and yet another, until I am on the verge of passing out. My stomach... It hurt so badly. The last thing I see before blacking out is my father's horrified face.

I am horribly sick. My parents are worried, and they keep encouraging me and telling me to...stay determined. But, it shouldn't be a problem soon enough. Once they reach the surface, they'll know my sacrifice was for the greater good. Asriel is crying. I try to say that once our plan is in action, we're always going to be together, and happy.


Everyone will be happy... Right?


I feel myself getting weaker every day I spend on this bed. It's shameful, knowing that my last days as a human would be lying immobile. But... It is all for my family.

I feel like I'm fading even more... As I drift off idly, I start to wonder.... Why do monsters wish to return to the surface? It's not as if humans were ever merciful to monsters, or even their own kind. Agh... Asriel... I can see him... Is this my end? I see him crying... Before my body disappears... I whisper something only he can hear. Something that only he can understand.

"Best friends forever, right?..."


It is very dark. Am I dead? No, I cannot. If I am dead, then what is this warmth...? I feel the warmth spread, and all of a sudden, my senses return to me. However... I am not me. I feel Asriel move around in his new form, and I can watch and feel him in my... no, our soul. He is just walking around...? Hmm.

"Let me take control for a bit, Asriel." I say. He stops for a moment, "A-are you sure, Chara?" I nod, and suddenly, a tingling sensation ripples through me. I now have control over this new body...! It is time to put our plan of freeing everyone to a start.

I pick up the frail and weak body that was once mine, and begin walking through the throne room, then onto the corridor by the Barrier. Asriel has not questioned nor stopped me yet. I take this as a sign that he is cooperating.

Through the Barrier we go. It is a... weird feeling, to say in the least. Nevertheless, I pinpoint the location of my past village. Those humans will never see what was coming. Soon enough... Mother... Father... Asriel... Everyone...

Everyone will be free.

But at what cost? I think, as I trudge through the outskirts of my village. Six puny human souls... It is a simple task. I stop near a familiar looking bed of flowers. The center of the village is overgrown with buttercups. I set my own body down. The first to notice... They are carrying a bow. Haha... Human weapons, they are going to be nothing against-

What? No... I... Our... Our powers, why aren't they....?!

Suddenly, Asriel, silent up until now, states that he did not like this plan anymore. He explains that he can hear my thoughts, that he does not want to harm any human, and that I deserve a proper burial back in the throne room, with all the buttercups.

I am shocked at his reaction. Multiple arrows pierce our body as we quarrel over control, but Asriel wins control, picks up my body, and walks slowly back to the Barrier.

Asriel... I thought you were my best friend... So, why? How could you have just betrayed my trust like that? Yet, I.... I can't...


I love you too much to be mad at you, Asriel. You're the only one who's ever understood me. That is why... We can die peacefully. Together.

I can see our dust starting to spread across the throne room's buttercups...

The last thing I see, before everything is lost to the darkness, is my eternally smiling, dead body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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