2. Rants about Arki

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So as you guys have known I am an architecture student. Well I am proud of this coz yeah it's awesome coz you get to design buildings, it's fun coz you can make awesome out of this world designs and the famous buildings are just perfection! wish I'd be able to do something like that in the future. haha! Also you get to see how the world's structure changes in time!
But then again everything has a down side. Well every school life has a down side! And it is the main reason why I haven't been able to watch yaoi and anime much is school. yeah... it obviously takes up too much of my time. Especially with all the exams, quizes and project. Mostly project! We usually are not able to sleep for 2 days straight just to finish those shits. Yeah designing buildings and all that jazz... too stressful... and then after that we'll be able to sleep for a day then back to work! urrgh! but when we finish a project it's like all the stress is worth it specially when you get to finish the requirements 👍👍 But with all the professor's demands it's really hard. But oh well... nothing we can do about it but finish it.

All in all Arki life is:
-Wake up
-eat if you can
-Sleep if you can
-Back to first

But it's still amazing everytime you get to spend time with your friends and share your ideas! Mostly when you have to stay over at a friends place when you get group projects of making miniatures and you'll all have fun and be loud in the middle of the night while everyone else is sleeping! 😂😂😂hahaha

     But it's still amazing everytime you get to spend time with your friends and share your ideas! Mostly when you have to stay over at a friends place when you get group projects of making miniatures and you'll all have fun and be loud in the mi...

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     Well we may not be the best and probaby doing a horrible job but we try and we're having fun! We're still growing and learning!!

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Well we may not be the best and probaby doing a horrible job but we try and we're having fun! We're still growing and learning!!


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