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"Hey Terry time to get up!!" Those were the words that greeted me from my dad, eager to send me off to the first day of school. "You don't want to miss your first day, do you?"

I didn't want to go to school. Not because I like sleep, but because I knew that if I do, people will just my size. Let's just say that I'm a little bit in the chubby side. Okay, a lot on the chubby side. Most people laugh when the see me and my abnormal size. Especially in gym, where most people say that I have man boobs that bounce everywhere when we run. With so many people judging me, I rather lay in my bed forever and hide from judging faces.

But I didn't want to make my Dad mad. So I got up an got ready. I stepped on the scale in my bathroom to see how much I weigh: 313 pounds.

Even with such a large number, I was gonna keep my head up . Mabie today will be the day that I would make some friends.

As I gave my dad a hug, I headed out the door. When I arrived at school, I felt excited to meet new people; perhaps this school year would be the year that I make tons of friends. When we began to introduce themselves to the class in homeroom, a girl named Casandra stood up to talk. "Ummmmm... H-Hello....." she stammered. "My name is.......C-C-Casandra....."

"L-L-Learn how to speak right, dumbass!" A kid in the back of the class yelled, mocking her. The class chuckled with him. "Oh......I'm......s-s-s-s.......sorry........" She whispered, as tears slowly rolled down her face. "Damian! Stop that right now! Or you be expelled!" The teacher threatened, but he just laughed it off. I began to get agitated. It's not fair or nice to make fun of someone because they have a speaking problem!

Courage took over me, as I stood up front chair and called out the jerk of a kid. "Hey, jackass!" I yelled at him. "Why don't you pick on someone you own size!" He looked at me slightly surprised to see some come to her rescue. "Well I would," Damian responded. "But there's nobody on this planet your size! But alright, I'll leave her alone. But just who do you think you are!?! Fatass!" I looked him dead in the face and announced my self to the class. "My name is Terry, and I'm a 313 pound, oval shaped, kind hearted guy who doesn't like anyone who picks on other people. If anyone got a problem with that, please say it to my face!" The class fell silent. "Terry," the teacher called me, "I'm proud that you came to that young girl's help. Thank you." I sat back down in my seat as other classmates snickered at me for helping her, and of course for being fat. But I ignored them for the rest of the class.

After class, I walked over to Casandra, who was writing in a note book. I sat down beside her and tried to start a conversation. "Hi." I greeted her. She looked up at me, amazed that someone is talking to her. "If it makes you feel any better, lots of people make fun of me too. I guess it's because I'm tubby." I poked at my gut, watching the ripples it makes. "But hey," I continued, "Even if I got to be picked on every day for the rest of my life, if it means that they'll leave you alone, that'll be alright with me."
She smiled, her cheeks turning a song pink. "T-Thank you....." she said. "You're r-r-r.......really sweet, Terry." She gave me a hug, it was a long hug. I felt prideful that helped someone today, but I also feel warm. Like a inner warmth. I couldn't help but to smile.

As we said our goodbyes, Damian walked up to me with several people accompanying him. "Hey, lardass!" he yelled. "If you think this is over, your'e stupid as hell, 'cause I'm gonna make sure that every day will be a living hell for you." He gutchecked me, chucked and walked off. As I collected myself from the gutcheck, I prepared for a long school year.

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