- six

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"So how's Youngjae going?" Jinyoung flopped down next to Jaebum on the couch, throwing his head back with an exhausted huff.

"He's good, yeah. He actually got scouted by a JYP agent the other day, and he's going to the auditions today."

"Really? That's awesome! Are you going to go cheer him on?"

"Ah, I don't know. See, I don't think he knows that I'm an idol... I don't want to shock him."

"Oh. Well, he has to find out sooner or later, why not go today and tell him?"

"I guess I could do that, but what if he hates me for not telling him?"

"Psh, he won't hate you. He seems pretty chill."


"Look I'll come with you," he sat forward and out his hand on Jaebum's knee, "we can tell him together, okay?"


"Cool, so when do they start?"

"In like 5 minutes."

Jinyoung's eyes widened and he stood up quickly hauling Jaebum out of the practice room, "then why are we still here?!"

~ ~ ~

Youngjae stood nervously outside of the audition room, fidgeting as the line shortened in front of him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous as hell. He looked around, assessing his surroundings and tuning the lyrics of his audition song through his head. All around him were other young people, ready to audition - and more likely to get in, to be honest. He cast his eyes back to the door to the audition room as it opened and another person was called up.

"Youngjae." The voice came from behind him, and he spun around nervously, looking up at the tall figure.

"Jaebummie!" He grabbed the taller and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug, "what are you doing here? Oh hey, Jinyoung! How are you?"

Jaebum stood completely still, not answering the question, slightly flustered from the sudden embrace.

"Hey, I'm good yeah. We're here to cheer you on, also we're in this building everyday so it was easy to drop by."

"Every day?" Youngjae let go of Jaebum and stepped back, shooting a confused expression at the two older boys.

"Yeah, we're idols!" Jinyoung struck a dorky pose, "JJ Project!"

"JJ Project..." He looked at the ground, clasping his hands together and was silent for a second, "wait, so that 'Bounce' song is by you two?" His expression turned curious again. Jaebum nodded, thanking the gods that Youngjae didn't seem fazed by the news, "oh my god. I feel like a complete idiot now that you walked in on me singing your song." He buried his face in his hands and groaned.

"No! No, your voice is amazing, don't be embarrassed. I wasn't lying when I said your voice was probably better than the guy singing - that guy being me. I think I can tell when someone has a better vocal range than me," Jaebum laughed and ruffled Youngjae's hair, "I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, it just didn't feel necessary."

"That's okay, Jaebummie, I understand and my vocals are in no way better than yours! Thanks for coming to support me today~" He smiled sweetly up at the older boy.

"We'll wait and see for when you become famous, hey?"

"Choi Youngjae?" A shrill voice called from the auditions room.

"I guess that's my cue. Wish me luck~" Youngjae waved and turned to leave but Jaebum pulled him back in for one last hug.

"Good luck~"

Jinyoung watched the two happily for a second before pulling them apart and sending Youngjae into the room, "Good luck, Youngjae!"

~ ~ ~

Youngjae walked out of the audition room, scanning the waiting room for the two boys, spotting only one of them on a bench facing the window. He walked over and tapped Jaebum on the shoulder, grinning madly when he made eye contact.

"Youngjae! That was quick, how did it go?"

"I'm super confident in it, I think I did pretty well. Even if I don't get in, I'll be happy with how well I just sang~" He made an okay sign with his hand and laughed, "where did Jinyoung go?"

"Ah, he just went to get a drink. That's awesome! I'm proud of you, man." Jaebum held his hand up for a high five.

"Thanks man~" Youngjae high fived Jaebum, who immediately interlocked their fingers and shook their hands around excitedly, both boys laughing happily.

"Youngjae, you're back! I assume you did well considering how excited the two of you look." He laughed and handed Jaebum one of the two cups he was holding, "would you like a coffee too, Youngjae?"

"Oh no, thanks! I have a shift later today so i'll probably drink a lot of coffee when I get there, and yes! I think it went really well, but all we can do is wait until I get word whether I got in or not," He grinned widely at the boy, "well, I've gotta get going, I need to go tell Seokjin how I went! See you guys later~" He waved and left the waiting room, leaving Jinyoung and Jaebum behind. There was a long silence where they didn't say anything, finally broken by Jinyoung.

"You want to go to the bakery again, don't you?"

Jaebum smiled at Jinyoung, a smile spreading right to his eyes.

"Alright, go ahead. But we're practicing twice as hard as tomorrow, okay?!" He called after the older boy but he was already long gone.

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