Diary of A Random Girl

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 You still here...

Seriously bro you okay?

Well since your still here...

This is not a fanfic, alright? It's sort of like my diary, I would say, it contains what happens in my life daily, sorry if it's boring, because you know I'm boring but, yeah I don't know why I'm making this. This is everything that goes on in my life. I'm kind of a clueless person, people always say things and I'll always never know what they mean, so yeah...if you think something innapropriate just message me, because I am so clueless, and nobody will tell me what anything means, so I won't know if it is or not. Well if your a stalker, or you have a facebook, that means you'll probably like this :D So...yeah jere we go...

Hi. My name is Nadia. I'm 13 years old. And I have one best friend, I can't tell you her name sadly because...that's up to her...but her user name is @PinkPotatoes. She's a Niall girl. I like 1D, I don't like the music, DON'T CALL ME A HATER, EVERYONE'S DIFFERENT! Their hot ;) but I don't really like theeir music that much. HEY HATERS GOTTA HATE POTATOES GOTTA POTATE, RIGHT? I'm  a Harry's girl. No I'm not nutzo crutzo if that's what your thinking, I'm not a fandom, and I don't go around with 3000 stickers of Harryon my shirt, room, and underwear. Calm down, I'm just a norma...kinda, girl. My favorite colour is purple, I like neon colours, too. I tend to get along better with boys than girls...Shhh it's a secret...I think. I don't like pink that much...NO HATE HOMIES NO HATE.  Let's see...I LOVE HAMBURGERS, AND FRIES OMG. Popeyes is my favorite fast food place. Olive Garden and Golden Corral are my favorite resteraunts. I love FOOD. I'm a techie, I have alot of electronics...JUST SAYIN. JUST SAYIN. I am not smug, you say Hi, I won't be like..."Hi" I'll be like "HI WHAT'S YOUR NAME?! CAN I HAVE A HUG?!" yeah I'm weird like that O.o I wear glasses, I was born with eye deficiency. My normal clothes would be sweatpants and a tanktop, with converse. CELEB CRUSH IS AUSTIN MAHONE. OMFG HOT. I'm basically the kind of girl that would be eating Doritos on her wedding day and wipe it on her dress, baically...O.O Anyway...PLEASE DON'T HATE, I KNOW HATERS GOTTA HATE, BUT HIPSTA PLEASE DON'T HATE! I cry really easily so watch it...you could probably hit me with a car and I'd say sorry...This is all real, I go through some sick stuff so no judge okay? 

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