Call It What You Want | Harry Styles

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i'm probably not the best person to write a college/boarding school story but guess what i am anyways and you'll just have to suck it up lmao ok


I forced the last of my clothes into the already filled suitcase, and managed to zip it shut. Sighing, I set it to the floor with the other two, and fell back onto my bed. Curling into a ball, I stared at the pale walls in the room I had grown to love.

A faint knock filled the room, "Ready to go?" 

Niall stuck his head into my room, an understanding look on his face. I nod, as he grabs two of the heavy suitcases. Trailing behind him, I forced the tears brimming in my eyes to stay where they were. 

"Listen Cass, this will be good for you. You've been through enough here, you need a break." Niall spoke as he hauled the cases into his trunk, slamming it shut. He shot be a sympathetic glance before we got into the car. He continued to convince me how good this would be for me, but I refused to listen to the words he was saying. This was nowhere near good for me.

It was an hour and a half drive to the Boarding school, which I would be attending for the next 2 years. It was like a college, but for high-schoolers. 

"I'm sorry you have to go, I know you don't want to," I looked to my brother, staring into his blue eyes "just promise me you'll make the best of this, alright?" He raised his eyebrows, and I nod slowly, for his benefit. I wasn't intending on making the best of it, but for Niall, I would at least pretend. He brought my face to his, planting his lips onto my forehead, and sent me a sad smile.

I stepped out of his car, and looked up to the building in front of me. It was huge, and from experience in a regular, much smaller high school, I knew I would get lost sometime. I grabbed my suitcases, and started up towards where my room would be. 

Unpacking was the worst part of any vacation, trip, etc. It was exhausting, headache-inducing. Sighing, I brought a hanger to the neckline of a shirt, for the billionth time, and hung it up in the closet. 

My new room consisted of 2 beds, both twin-sized. There was a large bedside table in the middle, and 2 dressers across from both beds. A walk-in closet sat in the middle of the far wall. My roommate had yet to appear, which I was glad for. I hated meeting new people. 

As I finished with the last pairs of clothes, I zipped the suitcases up and placed them in the closet. I made my bed the way I liked, and laid back onto it. It was nowhere near as comfortable as my bed back at home, but I chose to look past it. My mind was screaming at me to avoid thinking of home.

As my eyes closed, I heard the door swing open. I sat up quickly, surprise filling my eyes. In walked a tall girl with dirty-blonde ringlets the reached her mid-back, and sparkling, purple-blue eyes that were quite large for her face. She had plump, pink lips and high cheekbones. She was beautiful, and I immediately wished she wasn't my roommate. I had a hunch she would be bringing boys back to our room quite a lot. 

"Hi, I'm Abby!" She introduced herself, sticking her arm out to me. I shook it, saying my name in return.

"Cassey, I love that name. Where are you from?" She asks, walking to the bed beside mine. I watched as she took out clothes, placing them on her bed before hanging them up. She was neat, precise.

"Mullingar. You?" I reply, bringing my legs under me. She smiles brightly, her impressive straight teeth showing.

"Dublin, so here." I nod, desperately wanting to know why she was here. Nobody wanted to come to boarding school, at least from what I heard. Most of everyone who came was forced here, either because they had gotten themselves into trouble, or their parents couldn't be bothered with them. 

There was a knock at the door, startling us both. I got up to get it, and my breathing hitched as I saw the beautiful boy in front of me.

"Hey, is Abby in here?" His voice was as angelic as his appearance. With brown curls atop his head, and startling green eyes, he could well pass as an angel. I nod, motioning behind me. He smiled, a half-grin, and I nearly melted. Not that I showed it. I acted nonchalant, sitting back on the bed and pretending not to notice him.

I frowned as he brought Abby into a hug, placing a kiss on her lips, and proceeded to talk to her. So he was Abby's boyfriend. That made him a bit less attractive, as it sunk in that was he was off-limits. 

I sighed, staring at the ceiling of my new room for 2 years. I didn't like to think of what ended me up here, but my mind disobeyed me. I shuddered, shutting my eyes tightly and blocking out the thoughts.


that was like really short but its just the first chapter and i have a lot planned for this story so READ AND COMMENT AND VOTE AND FOLLOW AND ALL THAT GOOD SHIT OK!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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