Paying to Die

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Part 1: Clary’s POV

My head is thumping in time with the pulsing music that fills the house. Everything, the whole world, is spinning. Moving. As I continue to stumble around on my own little high. The edjes of my vision blurs as I stagger into the livingroom to find Haze.

“Yo! Sn-sniff! Ya wan’ another drink? And Pill’s got some gr-great coke. High class. The fancy stuff.”

I smirked at my best friend then clumbsily plucked the bottle from his outstretched fingertips. I peered inside, the liquid was thick and brown and was completely unrecogniseable, and took a long swig. It tasted nasty and seemed to scorch my throat on the way down, but I didn’t care. I was too far gone to care about anything right now. I drained the rest of the bottle before throwing it someplace and slumping down onto the couch beside Haze. My head leaned heavily on his shoulder and my legs were sprawled across the firm, red arms of the couch. He simply laughed and took a long drawl from a joint he must have rolled. The sent of marijuana clung to his body. Making his whole essence smell foul and smoky. I tried to focous my mind and slowly hauled myself upright.

“Pill! Gimme some of that coke!”

I manage to garble ou to him. I live for cocain. It is my absolute favorite drug. At the same time though, it is also my least favorite. Coke is decieving. It tricks you, makes you feel a high like you’ve never felt before. Lets you forget all your worries. But then dumps them all back on you in a crushing wave of depression. And I could tell that the wave was about to pull me in unless I snorted some more.

Pill had just returned with my valuuable treasure when sirens began to wail. The room filled with flashing red and blue lights that seeped in through the closed window. People began to jump up and soon there were bodies running in every direction. Meanwhile, only one thought swirled through my mind.


I bellowed, before stumbling to the center of the room and beginning to dance in the flood of light. Urgent bodies dashed about, knocking into me here and there. I supposed they were just trying to find a good spot on the floor to break out their moves. To bad this spot was taken. I stopped for a moment and made a feeble attempt to clear my mind of the cloudyness that surrounded it and study the people. One guy, who I vaguely recognised as Pill, was scrambling towards the back door. But the look on his face was odd. It almost looked…fearful?

Thinking this much caused my head to throb painfully so I went back to dancing and let the cloud return. Settling comfortably in my head. The room was slowly beginning to empty out, giving me more space to brak out my wild moves. Just before I could preform my spinning rainbow flip however, a clammy hang grasped onto my arm.

“Sniff! What are you DOING! Come on! We have to get out of here. Someone called the cops!”

Haze yanked on my arm. Dragging me away from the pretty strobelights and the dancefloor.

“No! STOP! I wanna DANCE!” I screetched at him, kicking and squirming to escape his vice like grip. Haze simply held on. Pulling my further and further away from the lights, Ignoring my protests. There was only one thing left to do. I spun around and sunk my teeth as far as I could into his collarbone. He cried out. Releasing my arm and falling to the ground in pain. With a squeal of delight, I began to sprint back to the dancefloor. Only to be intercepted by two, hulking figures. They lifted me up and carried me outside. Haze was still on the floor. Clutching his arm in pain. I studied his face for a while before realising the motives of the people who were carrying me. I screamed again and tried to lash out at their bodies but a cold, hard iten whacked me in the head. Plunging the world into darkness.

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