Chapter 55 - Sacrifice.

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The next day, Trayvon met up with the boys at the park again. This time, his mind was ALL the way off. Wendell brought Ayana with him again while the boys are and conversed like they always did. As the boys continued their talk, everything that Trayvon was hearing sounded like it was in slow motion. As he watched Wendell hold Ayana's hands and bounce her slowly in his lap, Trayvon glanced at the baby, then looked back up at Wendell.

"Wendell." Trayvon said in a dry, bland, and unenthusiastic tone.

"Yeah?" Wendell said, looking up at him.

"Where you gone be at, tonight?" Trayvon asked in a dazed tone, staring off into space.

"Ummmm, probably at Latoyia's." Wendell shrugged. "Why?"

Trayvon kept his eyes on Wendell, then looked away.

"Just wondering." Trayvon mumbled. "That's all."

"Gay ass nigga." Oscar growled.

Suddenly, Victor and Wendell started laughing at Oscar's joke. But Trayvon, he couldn't even understand anything that was going on. His mind was somewhere else. Being that he had to get Wendell to the serpent by midnight, all Trayvon was thinking about doing was how to get him there.

And he knew EXACTLY how to do it.

Meanwhile, Yasmine was back and attending school as always. But this time, she had to attend to the special ED classes. When she walked in, she seen that almost everyone in the class had a small disability. She didn't want to seem like a bitch, but she was insulted by the fact that they would actually consider her one of them. She rolled her eyes and plopped down in her chair, preparing to spend the rest of the day in there. Surprisingly, it wasn't half bad. Yasmine winded up helping some of the people in the classroom as well. The work turned out to be easier than her other classes, so she figured that this would actually work in terms of her grades.

As for Mrs. Bakely, she winded up getting her job back. However, her relationship with her father was still strained. They hadn't talked since he was released from jail, so she was still trying to cope with that. Since she used illegal drugs in her therapy sessions, her boss has decided to place his surveillance camera inside of her room. She's responsible for giving him the tape at the end of the day to examine it. When the clock struck 3:15pm, Mrs. Bakely heard Yasmine pull up to the building. She got out her notebook and prepared for the session, watching Yasmine get out a minute later and walk inside of the room.

"Hello." Mrs. Bakely smiled.

"Hey." Yasmine grunted as she threw her purse down and sat in her chair.

"So got anything else new for me?" Mrs. Bakely said as she set her timer for an hour.

"Well, I'm forced to stop injecting myself completely now." Yasmine grunted as she leaned into her purse to place her school pencils inside, zipped it up, then leaned back into her chair.

"And why's that?"

Yasmine folded her arms and smiled, looking away.

"The doctors said that one more dose will kill me." Yasmine nodded. "They still have to pump the medicine out of my system whenever my mom schedules a date for me to come."

"Speaking of your mother, how is she?" Mrs. Bakely asked. "I haven't spoken to her since I came over to your house."

Yasmine paused again, looking down at the floor.

"She took some of the medicine and seen my father in heaven. That means that he's dead. She hasn't been right since." Yasmine mumbled. "She's been bailing out on work for the last few days just to sit in her room and cry all day. There's nothing I can do....."

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