Count Your Blessings

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"I found you, Jack!"

For the first and last time in a while, I finally felt like I was wanted. I'm not gonna go into too many details about what this is about, as it was just a little game I played, but it's the significance of it. I know this may seem boring, but trust me, my life isn't a game. My life was a massive joke (I say was, for you all know what this is), and truthfully, before I begin, I'd like to apologise for everything I've done in advance.

Anyway, it felt like an eternity ago, but my whole life consists of one fuck up after another. This has always been the case. It's so fucking hard not to just jump off of a building. Too many people find me annoying, when I'm just a geek. I don't fit in with the rest of the people at my school, as all that are similar to me are six foot under. It's hard when all of your friends live in graves, and they have been put there because of you. No advice, nobody to talk to about stuff...

So on and so forth, my life is so dull, except for the majority of what I'm about to tell you, as this is the definition of bipolarity. Highs and Lows. I don't know anymore to be honest. I'm no longer here to be part of my own life, I'm here to live on the legacy of someone else. It all started in a little store in the town centre. This store was unique in the city, as it was the only store in the city to sell Fender Guitars, as the rest just sold their Squier counterparts (for anyone who doesn't know, a Squier is a cheaper alternative to a Fender, they are part of the same company.), but that wasn't why I was there on that day...

"You wanna buy a import Pearl drum kit?" the keeper asked. I just shook my head and carried onto the vinyl section. This store, being fairly small, was like my heart, as it owned a lot of the Vinyls I liked. I started browsing and listing off records out loud. "News Of The World... Got that, The Black Parade, I'll take that" and so on and so forth for a good, what, 10 minutes? And then I smelt it. The scent of darkness. I turned around to see a boy with fairly long red hair standing right there. Damn he was cute. His Emerald eyes shone, and as he looked into mine I felt flustered. I think that's the right word. Or maybe I had an orgasm. Anywho, I decided it would be best if I said hi.


"Hey..?" he responded. His voice was cute. I felt like an idiot because I was staring at him in lust. His hands swooped down to the B section. "Bring Me The Horizon, nice..." I giggled, and he heard me. Without turning, he asked "Have you heard Count Your Blessings?".


His hand grabbed onto my jacket, and he dragged me to the till. "Please can I buy these?" he snatched my record out of my hand and put it on the counter along with his vinyl. In Utero. A classic. It was tragic how Kurt Cobain felt the need to end his life. Suicide is such a funny thing. One day you could be telling someone that life gets better and the next you could be the one with the gun to your head. But I digress. He bought the vinyl, and then pulled me into an alleyway. "Follow me!" he called out, and I did, not knowing this boy, not caring who he was, as this was the first time I had ever felt wanted , and I did not want to let go...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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