Chapter 3

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Chapter III getting a tour and a new room

The minute they started the tour that was when he realized how big the place was.

"What do you think of the place?" Hazel asked?

"It is big that is for sure." Makail said.

"A lot of people say that when people get around or see this place and we will be going to the roof of this building" Hazel said.

"What do we do up there besides train?"Makail asked?

"We beat on dummies or fight each other with our real weapons but we don't kill each other." Hazel answered smiling.

"Well, that is good to know and I am guessing I will be practicing up there at first." Makail said.

"Yep, you will be practicing up there at first and sorta alone but you will at some point be put with everyone else." explained Hazel.

"Well, that is kinda cool to know." Makail said.

"A lot of us started like you are but some a little sooner while others started later?" Hazel explained?

"Am I different case." Makail asked?

"I believe so you may only do it alone for a long time or start with others after two days." Hazel said.

"So what it the normal lengths." Makail asked?

"Around a 2 weeks to five days." Hazel answered.

"Well, that is a bit of time." Makail said.

"Yeah, it is." Hazel said.

"Also I have been training up there but with a small sword I also got to practice with a wooden scythe very recently." Makail said.

"When did all that happen?" Hazel asked?

"Yesterday." Makail said while slightly chuckling.

"Well that is quite intriguing." Hazel said.

"Actually, I will be starting today but I have used farming scythes and small swords at my village". Makail explained

"Well that is also kind of interesting even though you said you practiced with something at a different time." Hazel said.

"Well, I think we should continue the tour instead of just staying in one place in just talking." Makail said.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea." Hazel said.

"What was life like for you?" Makail asked?

"Just normal farming but our area was extremely disciplined and we didn't have dragons, but once I got one I was sent off on my own immediately?" Hazel explained.

"Well, that is kinda crummy" Makail said.

"Yeah, my community thought dragons were a curse to the world and should be rid of." Hazel said.

"Well they must have had some bad experience." Makail said.

"Yeah, well, what was life for you before you came." asked Hazel this time seeming to try and get the subject of her life.

"Farming community daily routine go to wheat field then to the flour making place then to the baker then repeat for a bit then got to deal with a bunch of bullies or not nice people they were just a pain, then I usually get the firewood." Makail said.

"Well, that is kind of redundant." Hazel said.

"Yeah, it was also boring but still did it for annoying reasons." Makail said.

"Well here is the roof." Hazel said.

It was a flat area with dummies that looked like they had been hit a lot and some even had parts cut off.

"Well, this place looks cool now that I look at the view not just the practice equipment." Makail said.

"Well, look over the edge." Hazel said.

They were surrounded by land and a river snaked by on the left.

"This view is beautiful." Makail said.

"I agree with you I have been here for around a month and I still can't get over the view." Hazel said.

"So, I noticed everyone had like a jumpsuit on with a color what does the color mean." Makail asked?

"It is meant to show the color of your dragon." Hazel explained.

"So your dragon is blue." Makail asked?

"Yes, she is." Hazel said.

"What is her name." Makail asked?

"Jewels." Hazel said.

"Did you choose the name." Makail asked?

"Yes." Hazel said.

"But I thought you had to find them when their a baby dragon." Makail said.

"You do and it is rare for that to happen since there mother usually hides them from other creatures since the egg might be super tiny." Hazel explained.

"Well that is cool to know." Makail said.

"I shall have to agree with that." Hazel said.

"Well, that is a good name for your dragon." Makail said.

"Thank you and, do you want to see her. "asked Hazel asked?

"Yes." Makail answered with great enthusiasm.

Hazel stood there for a moment then a dragon flew up to the top. The dragon was the same color as the Hazel's jumpsuit. The dragon also had a slight shimmer in the sun light.

"She is beautiful. " Makail said.

"Thank you and you want to continue the tour." Hazel asked while snuggling her dragons head.

"Sure." Makail said.

"I have to go Jewels." Hazel said and they went down the stairs on the right side.

"Where to next." Makail asked?

Hazel looked off for a bit like she was thinking.

"The mess hall can wait till we eat so the only other place I can think off is finding your new room the others you can find when you need to." Hazel said.

"What floor will that be on." Makail asked?

"We will have to ask Linken about that." Hazel explained.

"Well, then what are we waiting for." Makail said excitedly.

"Nothing." Hazel said while laughing. They then both started running.


Linkens room was near the top of the building two floors below the armory, so it was a short walk to it. When they reached the door they looked towards each other and gave each other a slight nod before Hazel opened the door. It was nice looking but had nothing new in the building except for a desk with a small photo of some people on it.

"Well, hello Hazel and Makail what brings you here." Linken asked?

"To find out where Makail's room is." Hazel answered.

I forgot to tell him you two that sorry, it is two floors below this room." Linken said.

"Thanks." said Makail and Hazel at the same time.


When they arrived at the room it had a bed by a window the curtains were white and there was a dresser on the opposite side of where the bed was.

"Well, this is where you will be sleeping while you're here." Hazel said.

"Cool, so this is just my room." Makail asked?

"Yes, and why do you ask." Hazel said.

"I had a small room when i was at my village about half of this." Makail said.

"Well, that is kinda hard sounding." Hazel said.

"When they built the house they didn't think they would have two kids and my sister getting what she usually wants got the bigger room" Makail said.

"Well, that is really messed up." Hazel said.

"Yeah, but I got used to it in the long run." Makail said.

"Well, you won't need to worry about that anymore." Hazel said.

"Well, that is good." Makail said.

"So you ready to start your training for today or would you like to get settled in." asked Hazel?

"I don't really have anything to put away since I came with just clothes and the egg so there isn't really much." Makail said while looking through the draws of the dresser.

"Then let's get going." Hazel said.

She then looked at the window and said "on second thought how about we go to lunch".

"Agreed." Makail said seeing the sun was no longer in sight and the shadows where practically gone.

"Then follow me to the cafeteria." Hazel said.

"How do I find it?" Makail asked?

"Unless you're the first one just listen for a lot of noise or just to eight foot wooden doors". Hazel explained.

"Lots of noise, fun." Makail mumbled.

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