Off The Grid - 16

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Remy slips into the chair at the table and stares across it to where Lena sits.  Miami is sweltering, but the restaurant is cool and welcoming.  It is Thursday night and on Sunday night, Remy will be a married woman.  A woman married to a man who wasn’t even going to sleep with her.  Victor had been very adamant about the marriage going through, as neither of the boys could challenge C, neither was strong enough.  Lena was almost 17 but still, he wasn’t going to sacrifice his only daughter to become Alpha, or die.  The best course of action was to marry into C’s family and work from within. 

“You look wonderful,” says Remy, her violet eyes sweep over Lena.  She’s wearing a deep blue dress that off sets the green of her eyes and the silken black of her hair. 

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” says Lena. 

“Just something I picked up,” says Remy.  In fact, they were Dom’s clothes.  Tailored dress pants and a white button up shirt and a black vest, accented with white satin.  “In Dom’s closet.”

“Really?  I think you wear it better than he ever did,” says Lena. 

The waiter comes around to them and both order steak, which they laugh over.  He leaves a bottle of wine behind and Remy reaches to pour it.  Lena places her hand over hers.  “No.”

Remy grimaces.  “You’ve drank before, Lena.”

“Not tonight,” says Lena.  “I don’t want anything about tonight to be blurry, or fuzzy, I want to remember it with absolute clarity so that I never forget it.”

Remy’s heart slams hard into her chest.  The weight of her words crushes her.  “Lena…”

“Shhh,” says Lena softly.  “You promised and I’m keeping you to that promise, Remy Roma.  Hen night, the last night of you ever being reckless, of having anyone other than your husband and I am fine with that.”

Remy ducks her head, strands of her chestnut hair falling into her face and she tucks them behind her ear in an annoyed gesture.  “You deserve more than that.”

“Do I deserve less than having what I want?” counters Lena. 

Their gazes meet and the waiter comes back.  Remy orders a soda and Lena orders a lemonade, which makes the waiter scoff.  This makes Lena smile. 

“I wonder if he thinks I’m some simple girl from the back woods of Virginia or something,” says Lena. 

A smile eases onto Remy’s lips; she feels the fangs snip at them.  “You don’t look like some back woods hick.”

“I am a simple girl,” says Lena, swallowing.  “I have always simply wanted you.”

A blush rises up high on her cheeks and Remy wants to reach out and touch the heat there.  She’s promised Papa that if she this ever happened, she’s run away with Lena and protect her.  But that isn’t what Lena wants.  Lena wants her family and is willing to give up Remy, save for one night, to have that. 

“Has Dom told you,” asks Lena, taking some bread, rolling it into a ball, then dipping it into the butter? 

“Told me?” asks Remy.  She sips her soda and takes a packet of sugar and plays with the grains of sweetness between the thin pink paper.

“That’s he’s gay.”

Remy freezes.  She meets Lena’s gaze.  “What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know?  I would have thought he’d told you by now.  I saw him about five months ago with one of those college boys, you know, the cute boy sexy twink type.  They were kissing in the back room of the comic shop,” says Lena. 

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