Stuck (Dark Louis Fanfic)

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" Get me a glass of water !" My mum yells at me from the couch, still getting over her hangover.

Its 5:00 on a school morning, and I hadn't slept all night, kept awake by my mums moans and groans. I'd expect her to handle the pain better, as she has a hangover everyday, but she insists on going to clubs, getting drunk, then sleeping with every guy that'll buy her a drink. Even though she's married, my father doesnt care, he comes home once a week from his "Business Trips", and they act like they have a perfect relationship. I have no idea why they're even still together, probably because my father doesnt want to pay child support. Especially for a child he didnt even want, my mum didnt want me either she just kept me because she couldnt afford an abortion at the time. I know because she told me it.

"Here ya go" I said as i handed her a cup of water and some tylenol. "Why the hell do you think i want tylenol?" She asked me. This is what i get for thinking ahead. I just stared at her in disgust. Her hair is two different colors, her face is so saggy from all the drugs, she has totally let herself go, yet she still gets guys to sleep with her. "Stop staring at me bitch, just go grab your stuff so your not late for the bus, cause I ain't driving you" she spat.

I rolled my eyes at her, grabbed my bag, and headed to the end of the driveway. I'm 16 and have already passed my drivers test, but, of course, we cant afford anything. So im forced to ride the bus with the little kids and "Ms Perfect" , Lucie Mangolan. Everyone worships her, except me of course, and thats probably why she always picks on me. Literally with a snap of her fingers she has her whole posse and her "flawless" boyfriend by her side. Whoever she hates everyone hates, so im stuck being an outcast until i graduate, and when i graduate im leaving this crappy little town.

Finally I hear the bus coming down the road. I just want this day to be over with, and it hasnt even started yet. That says alot, doesnt it. I hear the squeaky brakes as the bus comes to a stop. Right away Lucie pulls down her window, and says "Hey, everyone look puffy wore that outfit yesterday!" , I let out a scoff as i walked toward the bus. Yes, i did wear this yesterday, but when you have a mother that doesnt do laundry, its hard to have anything clean.

If your wondering why she called me puffy, its a nickname I got in 7th grade. I ate some of the schools pudding, and it wasnt butterscotch, it was peanut butter, and im allergic to peanuts . So my face swelled up infront of everyone, it was super embarrassing. So that's that.

As I got on the bus everyone started laughing at me, but I'm used to it. At least theres one good thing about nobody liking me, I always have a place to sit on the crowded bus. Lucie has convinced everyone that i have a disease, and if they sit in my seat, they'll get it. I guess you could say its a "good thing".

Its the usual bus ride, I sit here and stare out the window, while listening to Lucie talk crap about me. I've learned not to defend myself from her because she always just makes it into a joke.

Even though I stare out the window, I dont really notice anyone that gets on, I usually just think about stuff. Not really anything in general, just wherever my mind takes me. Anywhere but here, away from everyone. Thats just my imagination. Then reality hits me and I realize dreams never come true. All of a sudden im drawn out of my thinking when someone sits next to me. Who would ever sit next to me?

I try not to be weird, so i quick take a glance at the person. He's got on a white tee and blue jeans. His hair, peeking out from below his crinckled beanie, was a lush brown. He had a sharp jaw outline which wore rough stubble. Tattoos all over his arms and on on his chest, and he had a piercing on his bottom lip. His eyes, well i couldn't see them, he was looking at the ground. What was supposed to be a quick glance turned into a stare. "Do you mind not staring at me" he said. I snapped out of whatever trance i was in. I was caught. "Oh, uh, yeah sorry" I said, and turned back to the window. I did get a glance of his eyes, though, they were dark blue. I wish I had blue eyes, instead of green.

The bus jolted to a stop. He quickly got up and walked to the front. I must be a boy repellent or something.

I got up and waited for the people infront of me to go. Time for school, aka hell.

(this is my first fanfic, hope you like it! plz vote and comment (: )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2013 ⏰

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