C'mon it's just a prank, its just a prank

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Camerons POV:

We got dressed and put our costumes on and all that stuff. When it finally hit 1:00 and it was completely dark we walked in the apartment and tiptoed to where the girls were sleeping. We all hid in different places. I was hiding by the end of the bed. I looked at everyone and they all nodded. I quickly threw three throw pillows and they landed exactly on Kate, Chloe and Alissa. Just as I ducked all three of them jumped up. We waited 3 seconds then Logan walked in the room real stiff and groaning like a zombie. All of them were screaming like mad! I swear Chloe and Alissa were crying. I stiffley got up and Logan ripped my fake arm off and we both started walking towards them. Chloe was gasping for breath and crying. Then Luke popped up. Chloe and Alissa let out a huge scream, Kathleen just closed her eyes and fell asleep again. When all 3 of us got to the bed we just stared at them, than Neels, Aaron and Jake popped up and they started screaming again then they both started having panic attacks.

Luke: Aaron! Put the light on!

We quickly took off the masks an sowed them that it was just us.

Chloe: What!?!?

We all started laughing, because we were thinking how they reacted.

Alissa: You think this is funny!?!?
Jake: yep!
Neels: annnd... Its on Vine
Chloe: Alissa, lets go
Logan: where?
Chloe: anywhere, where your crappy faces wont be.
Cameron: ugh, babe it was just a prank!
Alissa: ja, a prank that you decided to do the night we watched World War Z!
Chloe: You morons know Alissa and I hate zombies!
Cameron: Kate obviously knew it was us, because she just fell asleep again. Look she is snoring!
Chloe: so! Come Alissa.
Alissa: coming.

Chloes POV:

We grabbed Camerons car keys and headed out and climbed in the car. We started driving then when it was 10:00 we called Kate.

Kathleen: so! You guys just leave me here?
Chloe: sorry!
Kate: its fine! I dont understand you guys! It was just a prank and you guys stormed out?
Alissa: no,  Kate that was a high way to hell. You know me and Chloe hate zombies! And we literally just watched World War Z that night
Kate: what ever.
Chloe: Oh, Ja! Tell Cameron that we took he's keys.
Kate: we kind of figured.

We hung up and carried on driving after another few more hours we were finally back in LA. We went to our apartment and plonked ourselves on the couch.

Chloe: shirbet
Alissa: you want? I got some!?!
Chloe: no.... Wait yes please, but I meant shirbet because we left everything there. You know, well not our phones and purses. But our suitcases
Alissa: Okay *walking to kitchen to get some shirbet* call them and tell them.
Chloe: kk

Chloe: Hey Cameron
Cameron: look who's not mad.
Chloe: Cameron, Im still mad. But Alissa and I forgot our suitcases. Could you please bring them with when you come home?
Cameron: no. Dont feel like it.
Chloe: Cameron, I wasnt actually asking.
Cameron: awh, babe. Your just going to have to drive back and fetch them.
Chloe: I will make you as much waffles and pancakes as you want.
Cameron: for how long?
Chloe: a month
Cameron: i will think about it
Chloe: 2 months max
Cameron: deal, love you baby.
Chloe: love you to.

Kathleens POV:

I got a face time request from Dylan and I answered.

Dylan: babe, why arent you here? Alissa and Chloe are?
Kate: they ditched me.
Dylan: okay?
Kathleen: what have I missed?
Dylan: nothing, I miss you loads!
Kathleen:  I miss you to. We are leaving tomorrow. So I will see you then.
Dylan: Okay.
Kathleen: anyway, I have to go. I can smell that the boys are busy burning something in the kitchen.
Dylan: okay babe. Miss you.
Kathleen: I miss you to, bye
Dylan: bye, love you.
Kathleen: love you too

I ended chat conversation, and walked to the kitchen.

Kathleen: what are you burning now?
Luke: well. We wanted waffles but they arent cooking for some reason.
Kathleen: boys! You dont cook them in the oven. Especially on 380 flippen degrees!

I opened the oven and smoke filled the air once that cleared up I put on oven gloves and took their 'waffle' out.

Kathleen: oh, boys! You should just ask me to make them for you.
Luke: we didnt want to interrupt you.
Kathleen: What was i doing that  you would interrupt.
Luke: You were talking to Romeo.   
Neels: But, there is something 'bout that guy that makes something smell fishy.
Kathleen: Uhm, Neels that smell would be you! When last did you shower or do anything to make you smell a bit nice?
Neels: not long ago. 2 months?
Kathleen: go shower now! And if you come out not smelling decent then you are never ever getting waffles again!
Neels: no!
Kathleen: nor pancakes
Neels: you cant take pancakes away from me!
Kathleen: *whispering angrily* Consider it taken!
Neels: I'll go shower!
Kathleen: good boy!

I turn to face the other boys.

Kathleen: I will be doing a smell check before dinner. I would suggest for you guys to also go shower, and Aaron! Please go fix your hair! Looks like you have being dragged through a bush backwards!
Aaron: yes Kate!
Kate: Im not Kate!
Aaron: yes sir?
Kate: thats more like it..

I watched how they all ran to the bathroom.  And heard them talking

Neels: guys, I cant shower when you guys are watching me. Do turn around.

I laughed and started making the supper. I made minnie pizza's and put them on a plate on the table then I put some garlic bread on the table and mince and veg with chips and some steak. I put glasses on the table and put cold drink on the table as well. I walked back to the kitchen and started making the waffles. I put chocolate and vinalla on everyone's waffles and chunks of barone chocolate on it and put some colorful sprinkles on and put caramel over the waffles. Just as i put a net over it so no flies would sit on it the boys came out.

Kathleen: okay, arms up. If i am not satisfied with your smell you will not get your waffles.

I walked past all of them and smelling them.

Kathleen: Good, good. Now lets quickly eat dinner. I made the waffles extra special.

We all ate and had our 3rd helping then soon all the food was done.

Kate: Did you guys enjoy that?
Boys: yes.
Kate: I will bring the dessert.

When i put the plates in front of the boys their eyes lit up

Kate: c'mon eat quickly.
Boys: okay

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