Brun the House Down

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Right now, Lucy was trying to cook dinner in a crappy hotel to the sound of awful music the people next door are playing while Natsu sits on the bed feeling very guilty.

How did we get here you ask?
Well we need to go back to that morning.

11 hours earlier

Natsu got up with a start. Last night, Natsu and Lucy came home to do what engaged couples do (if you know what I mean).

So, to celebrate Lucy saying yes, he decided to make her breakfast. Which failed horribly. For some reason, he added a lot of fire to the recipe he was "following" to make pancakes. And he burned the house down. Thankfully, Lucy had woken up and summoned Aquarius to put out the fire. Lucy had been furious because when they went to the guild and Natsu tried to make her food there (even though she was perfectly fine with Mira's cooking), even with Mira's instruction, he managed to burn that food as well. He insisted on making her meal but whenever he tried, it just got burnt.

That caused her to not eat. ALL DAY!!

So now here they were, in beaten up hotel with a defeated Natsu on the bed and a hungry and angry (hangry) Lucy. To make matters worse, the people next door could NOT stop playing their loud music even after banging on the wall multiple times.

"Luce?" Natsu tried.

"Just. Wait. The food will be ready in a little" she said without looking back.

Lucy was putting salt in some eggs but a loud sudden burst of music caused her arm to jerk up and add more salt that was needed.

"Ugh!!! If they are gonna play something this loud, they can at least play something decent and mellow!!" Lucy ran a frustrated hand over her long blonde hair.

Natsu got up from the bed and walked over to the door with a simple "I'll be back" and a "where are you going?!?!" from Lucy, leaving her dumbfounded and alone in that dingy hotel.

Natsu walked over the the other hotel room where the music had been coming from and knocked twice. The music didn't stop, but a guy dos open the door.

"Yea man?" He sounded drunk.

"Look dude, I got into a fight with my future wife and you playing that VERY loud music isn't helping, so please, for the sake of my impending marriage, al least play something that has a bit more mellow to it"

After a moments hesitation, the man said "Sure dude, why not?"

And after a quick "thank you" Natsu ran off back to Lucy. Just as he got there, a song he didn't recognize played. It started with a mellow piano part. He went straight to Lucy, who was getting something from a shelf.

"Well, look~" he cut her off with a hug from behind. Just then, they started singing.

"I remember, all of the thing that o thought I wanted to be.
So desperate, to find a way out of my world and finally breath.
Right before my eyes I saw,
My heart it came it life.
This ain't easy, it bot meant to be, every story has it scars"

Natsu and Lucy had started swaying as if they were dancing. Lucy turned to face him and gave him a kiss on the nose. She then hid her head in the crook of his neck and kept swaying.

"When the pain cuts you deep,
And the night keeps you from sleeping.
Just look and you will see, that I will be your remedy.
When the world seems so cruel,
And your heart make you feel like a fool,
I promise you will see, that I will be,
I will be your remedy."

"I love you, Lucy"

"I love you too, Natsu"

And with that, their food and anger long forgotten, they went to sleep.


Hi!!! Sorry I took forever! I just thought that I should at least try to update this so there it is.

Good day, good life!

R.S83, out!! Peace✌🏽️

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