The First Time

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Draco Luicius Malfoy has been plead guilty for being a death eater. He was put into Azkaban and Draco decided to write a letter to Harry explaining his feelings towards him. Harry receives the letter and reads it leaving him devastated because he realizes that he feels the same way but it's too late to tell them.

The first time I ever saw you my breath was hitched from me leaving me gasping for air.
Your eyes were a beautiful green that shone even in the darkest of places, they brought shame to emeralds.

The second time I ever saw you my eyes went wide to the beauty you behold inside and outside yourself.
Your hair was a black mess with soft curls that framed all of you.

The third time I ever saw you I could feel a fire of blush rush to my normal pale cheeks, calming the feeling of butterflies inside of me.
Your sunny bronze skin would bring jealousy to those of the sun's rays looking like the snitch me and you would always chase after.

The fourth time I ever saw you I could feel goosebumps creeping beneath my skin teasing me just by the very sight of you.
Your cute button nose would hold those circle dorky glasses that I loved because they brought a look of innocence to your features.

The fifth time I ever saw you I fought back the shiver that crawled my spine, controlling the weakness in my knees and holding tight to my weakened self.
Your red full lips carved into a smile that lighten all your face up.

The sixth time I ever saw you I fought back the tears in my eyes that threaten to fall and leave streaks of unwanted tears.
You were the definition to perfection and I loved all you to the small things of you.

The seventh and last time I ever saw you I was being trialed for being am ex death eater, something I never desired but had to do to keep you safe. You fought against me and that sent my whole world crumble inside of me knowing that you hated me with so much passion.
Your face was furious, your eyes filled with hate, your red lips in a nasty sneer, your body trembling with rage. And yet all I saw was beauty in you because I loved you too much and that's what killed me.

Today I will be kissed, but not by your pretty red lips. My soul will leave me and wander around lost from you in the world of souls. But it won't be bad because my soul was gone the day I saw hate written in your green eyes.

And as I close my eyes knowing my fate my last thought was of you and the first time I ever saw you Harry James Potter.

Love always,
Draco Lucius Malfoy.

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