Chapter 1: Move-in

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I’m alone.

Okay, not really.  I just moved into my college dorm yesterday, so this is quite lonely compared to my life at home.  It’s a new place, new people, new FOOD.  I love food.   But not that crap you are served in public places, oh no.  I love me some home-cooked meals, which I won’t be having for quite some time now.  Looks like I’m going to be starving to death…

I guess I should introduce myself to you, my dearest inner monologue.  My name is Charlotte.  I’m short, I have a frizz ball for hair, and I prefer show tunes and oldies over pop music any day.  That’s really all you need to know about me, I’m not that interesting.

“Hey, Char?  Wanna go get some breakfast at the food court?” my roommate, Audrey asked.  I really don’t like being called, “Char,” but I’ll let her slide…

“No thanks Audge. It’s 8 am…. You’ll soon learn that I’m not a morning person,” I replied.  My first class tomorrow is at 8 though.  Splendid.

“Suit yourself!” she laughed and left me to my solitude. 

Don’t get me wrong; I am loving this whole living away from home deal.  I just really love my bed.  Plus I have killer cramps that are prohibiting me from getting up and being social.  And they’re making the idea of greasy sausage and eggs sound really unappetizing.

Damn you, Mother Nature.  Damn you, womanhood. 


Come noon I was finally getting up off my lazy butt.  I stretched like a cat and felt every vertebrae of my spine crack in a blissful gliss up my back as I made some weird noise that was a cross between a dying horse and a dinosaur. 

I looked in the full-length mirror of my dorm and almost screamed.  I looked fabulous with my bun on the side of my head (it was on top when I went to bed), my smudged glasses and my extremely wrinkled t-shirt.

“Dang, girl,” I muttered to myself.

I popped some period cramp pills and got ready for the day.  I was sporting my skinny jeans and a comfy sweater.  Yes, I am aware it is still warm out since it’s the beginning of school.  I just really love autumn clothing.  It is so much better than parading around half naked in my summer attire.

I applied a wee bit of make-up after I put in my contacts.  I checked out myself in the door mirror again and I was thoroughly impressed.  I went from hobo-chic to almost decent.  Go me!

Now the only question is… what do I do now?

“STARBUCKS!” my mind screamed.  Oh yes, a grande iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel and a croissant sounds fantastic.  I went through a phase when I tried to pronounce “caramel” like how it is spelled, but now I realize that I sound like an idiot because no one else back home said it like that.  They all said “carmel,” so a carmel macchiato it is!

And just the thought of the quaint urban atmosphere Starbucks provided made me smile.  The free wifi, the classy business men, the little "Pick of the Week" cards... not to mention feeling awesome when you wip out your iPhone with the Stabucks app to pay instead of even having to open your purse!  Starbucks will be taking over the world, along with Apple and Google.

Ahhh, sweet heavenly Starbucks, I mused.

Shoot.  I just realized that the nearest Starbucks was an hour away from here.  I’m not used to this whole rural thing, since I’m from the city.  See, my little college is in the middle of nowhere.  We are somewhere near the Canadian border in northeastern USA, which explains the Tim Horton’s on every freaking corner. 

I went though a Tim Horton’s obsession.  Its just a classier Dunkin’ Donuts honestly.  I would watch NHL hockey games and see the wondrous Tim Horton’s logo in the ads and though, “Wow, it must be amazing if all the hockey teams rave about it!”  I soon discovered that that was not the case.

Nevertheless, Tim Horton’s was still quite good.  It was just no Starbucks.  But, I really need caffeine….

Well, I guess I’m going to Tim Horton’s!  Time for some iced coffee and the delectable Tim Bits.


Author's Note:

Hey there! This is my first story ever, so bare with me and come along for the ride though the wonderful world of my ammeture writing! I'm just seeing what I do with this story.  I have quite a few ideas, so we shall see! :)


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