The Best Day Ever

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4th Chapter :D

Sally:"hey you awake"

Lilly: "i was ! "

Sally; "ow sorry just i cant sleep"

Lilly: "omg just um amagine cows"

Sally: "um its sheep and no it doesnt work anyway"

Lilly: "ok then shut and let me sleep"

Sally: "Whatever"


i think i coldnt sleep as all i cold think abot was how tomorow lunch will go. i really like cedrc and im spending 1 hour with him just us, its gunna be great by orward. But well i cant go red i muts act normal....


Next morning


Hermione: "Good Morning"

Lilly: "Arrr goo away"

Sally: "Hey thanks for waking us up" (sarcastic)

Hermione: "well your gunna be late again for breakfast"

Lilly: "Not again" and she ran up to get changed"

Sally: "ow ok thanks"

Hermione: "ok but hurry up im gunna end up late as well"


i got up and rush towards my clothes to get dressed before once again i miss breakfast. Luckily i got there early but earlyer than anyone else and was left there alone by the hall doors.

lilly: "omg final where have you been"

Sally: "um i got ready to come here where dd you go"

Lilly; 2i came down here so we wouldnt be late for  breakfast"

Sally: "umm lilly its only 7:45 we still have 15 mnuets"

Lilly: "oww so hermione told e it was breakfast time"

Sally; "no she said we might be late"

Lilly: "ow that little Bitch"

Sally: "Lilly!" 

Lilly: "sorry she justs gets on my neives sometimes"

Sally; "really!!!"


 Defence aganist the dark lord LESSON:

Snape: "Ok as you no this is the lesson Defence aganst the dark lord, so we will be creating are personal worst nightmares and defett them" "ok what you shall do is think of your wors night mares and there shall come out of this cuboard then shout  "esca lop pa" with  wond and change it to get ride of it"

Lilly: "omg i cant do this im gunna kill my self"

Hermione; "im sure your not gunna kill yourself"

Lilly: " yeah i wont kill me but my worst nightmare will"

Sally: "Lilly you can think bad somedays"

Snape : " ok Ron you first"

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr spider "esca lop pa"

Ron:" its gone yes"

Snape "lilly your go"

Lilly "arrrrrrrrr  Shark!!!! "esca lop pa" 

Draco Malfoy Love Story - For Lilly JOnesWhere stories live. Discover now