How you met him

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You were at your locker getting your books for your next class. All of a sudden you see someone run towards you. As soon as you know it they are trying to fit in your locker. Surprisingly they fit perfectly. At first you were confused but then you see Coach coming down the hallway furiously. Thats when you knew who was inside your locker. "He's gone Stiles. You can come out now" Stiles stepped out of your locker. He just stood there and looked at you for a moment. He looked in awe as he was staring at you. "Um can I help you with something? Other than letting you use my locker for hide and seek", you said sarcastically. Stiles loved it when a girl was sarcastic. It was a turn on for him. "Uhhh no I I don't think so", he stuttered. "But uh you could uh do me a favor by telling me your name.", he said with his face as red as a tomato. "I'm Y/N", you said in a flirtatious way. "Oh uh nice to meet you. Thanks for playing hide and seek with me. We should do it again sometime. I mean... oh never mind. Uh bye see you later.", he said nervously as he walked away.


Lacrosse was the most popular sport at Beacon Hills. So you decided to go to the game tonight. It was the last quarter, 20 seconds remain. Beacon Hills was losing 3-4. #11 Scott McCall had the ball. 10 seconds remained. He was running at full speed towards the net. 5 seconds. Just in time he threw the ball in the net. Beacon Hills won! But he threw it so hard (werewolf powers) that it ripped the net and hit you right in the head. You passed out as Scott came rushing to your side. You woke up with a pounding headache in the boys locker room. It smelled of feet and sweat. Scott McCall was by your side holding an ice pack to your head. You tried sitting up. "Woah woah I don't think so. Lay down Y/N.", he said . "How do you know my name?", you questioned him. "Uhh we have art class together.", he answered. "Oh I didn't know you were in that class, sorry.", you said. "Its ok. Its not like you knocked me out with a lacrosse ball." he said jokingly. "I'm so sorry for hitting you Y/N. I feel so bad.", he said sounding like he was on the verge of tears. "It's ok. Looks like their won't be any swelling.", you replied trying yo make him feel better. "I have to get home. Its really late.", you told him. "Oh no you don't. I'll drive you home.", he said. Normally you would argue with him, but your head hurt too much so you just agreed with him.


You never thought your internship at the police station could be interesting. But oh were you wrong. All day you spent taking calls from people who called 911. It was unbelievable how many prank calls you got each day. Your job was so boring. That is until Derek came in. Sheriff Stilinski called him in to talk to him about something. As Derek walked in he had a disgruntled look on his face. You didn't know that was his usual facial expression.But that changed when he saw you. As soon as he saw you he couldn't stop smiling for some unknown reason. The Sheriff saw this and started teasing him about you. Derek walked up to your desk gave you flirty grin and said hi. From that day on you forgot about how boring your job was. You were fine as long as you got to see Derek and he felt the same.


You were waiting outside the boys locker room for your brother Stiles. He always took forever to change after practice. Probably because him and Scott would always horseplay. You waited there for twenty minutes. By that time all the other guys except for Scott and Stiles left the locker room, or so you thought. So you decided to walk in. Its not like you haven't seen your brother and best friend naked before. You used to take bubble baths with them growing up. Of course they were grown but they didn't care. They had no shame. Which was probably good cause they weren't what you would consider "normal". But as you walked in you saw Issac Lahey standing there with only a towel covering his body. "Y/N You can't be in here!", Issac yelled trying to keep the towel on. Everyone knew who you were because of Stiles. But you didn't think all of them knew your name. "I'm sorry. I thought Stiles and Scott were the only ones in here.", you said to him trying not to laugh. "Uh they're still on the field. Coach made them stay later because they were messing around during practice.", he replied. "Oh. I didn't know. If it makes it any better you have nice abs.", you said to him blushing. "I would give you a compliment but it probably wouldn't be appropriate.", he said with a smirk. "Your damn right it wouldn't be!", Stiles yelled as he walked in. "Stiles!", you yelled at your brother. "What?! No one checks out my sister! Especially when all they have on is a towel.", Stiles said protectively. "Well she did say I have nice abs. So I thought the appropriate response would be to give her a compliment.", he said still smirking. "Well she's not lieing when she says you have nice abs but everyone says that. Now wipe that smirk off your face and get dressed! But not in front of my sister!", Stiles said to Issac. After Stiles left to shower you and Issac couldn't stop laughing of how overly protective your brother was just then.


You were just about to park your car when a motorcycle pulled up in your spot. "Hey thats my spot!", you yelled to the motorcycle driver. "Who says?", he asked rudely. "The school. This spot is mine, I reserved it.", you replied. "Oh, sorry I'm new here. I didn't know spots were reserved", he said apologetically. "Well can you move before I'm late to class?", you asked annoyed. "Oo a feisty one I see. Say Ms.Princess what's your name?, he asked with a smirk. "Excuse me. I'm not a "princess"", you said. "Oh sorry my bad. What's your name "highness" Better?", he asked. "What? No! I'm not a highness either! My name is Y/N.", you answered. "Ah Y/N. That's a great name. Nice to meet you. I'm Aiden", he said with the same smirk on his face. "Well it's not nice to meet you. Now move before I run you over.", you said rudely. That was the last you heard from him, until school started. You told everyone he annoyed you. But the truth was you kinda liked the guy. You were just playing hard to get.


You were in the library. It was study hall. No one else liked study hall but you did. It was a time for you to get your school work done and you liked the silence. But of course the silence doesn't last forever. You heard Liam Dunbar joking around with Mason. You never met Liam, until that day. But you didn't like him. He was known for causing trouble everywhere he went. Not to mention his anger issues. You heard he got expelled from his old school because of his anger issues. So then he was transferred to Beacon Hills. You weren't going to say anything to them. But you had had enough. You couldn't concentrate anymore. So you walked up to Liam and Mason. "You know some of us actually want to study.", you said defensively. When Liam saw you he couldn't take his eyes off of you. He had never seen someone so beautiful as you. He ended up knocking down a whole shelf of books. You don't know why, but you helped him pick them up. "Uh I'm Liam.", he said nervously. "Yeah I know.", you said rolling your eyes. "Oh. Well uh what's your name?", he asked still nervous as ever. "Y/N", you said. "Well I know we just met but your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.", he blurted out. For some reason you couldn't stop smiling after that.


You were in chemistry class. Today you were doing an experiment. The teacher was getting ready to pair the class up with a partner. With your bad luck you got Jackson Whittemore. Sure he was the most popular guy in school. But he was also the school's biggest jerk. All he cared about was his money and himself. No wonder it didn't work out with him and Lydia Martin. She deserved so much better than him. "Look I...", Jackson started to say but cut himself off. "Um what was that?", you asked him. "I was just gonna say uhh look I am really happy to be paired with you.", he said blushing. "Uh huh sure.", you said rolling your eyes. "No really. It's always a pleasure to be partnered with a pretty girl....I mean...yeah I meant pretty.", he said stuttering. You couldn't stop blushing and he could see. But it was ok cause after that day he started to have a thing for you.

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