Garence <3

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 It was Saturday, Garroth was sitting on the couch reading Garence Fanfiction. He was so upset he decided to talk to Kawaii~Chan. So he went up to Kawaii~Chan and asked her if she shipped him and Laurence. Kawaii~Chan said, "Why do you want to know Garroth~Kun?" Garroth said "Oh!. Heh no reason at all... Just curious....!" Kawaii~Chan was very confused but responded with a smirky smile. "Oh Garroth~Kun likes Laurence~Kun... Eh?" Kawaii~Chan replied. Garroth was fangirling but denying it. Kawaii~Chan finally said, "Oh come on Garroth~Kun it's very obvious you like Laurence~Kun!" Garroth sighed, "Ughh.. Fine I like Laurence." Kawaii~Chan was screaming, "AH! GARROTH~KUN LIKES....." Garroth covered Kawaii~Chan's mouth and she bit him. Garroth was shocked and blurted, "Ow.. Why did you bite me?" Kawaii~Chan sassed him back. "You interrupted Kawaii~Chan's fangirling!!!" Kawaii~Chan growled at him. Garroth sighed. "Sorry it is just Laurence doesn't know yet..." Garroth replied. Just then Laurence walked in the room and headed straight for the kitchen. Laurence sounded confused so he asked, "What don't I know yet Garroth?" Garroth was blushing bright red but let out a sheepish 'oh nothing important!' Laurence got a apple from the fridge and sat very close to Garroth. Garroth giggled under his breath and was blushing even more red. Laurence scooted back a bit and said, "Whoops... Sorry didn't mean to sit so close." He went straight on and asked Kawaii~Chan why are you at our house? Kawaii~Chan was about to tell him why until Garroth interrupted her by yelling, "WERE TALKING ABOUT AARMAU STUFF!!" Kawaii~Chan got so mad she just said this... "Garroth~Kun if you EVER interrupt Kawaii~Chan's fangirling EVER again I will scratch you.." Just then Garroth pulled her aside into his room. Kawaii~Chan was furious, but calmly sighed "Ow, Garroth~Kun that really hurt.." Just then Garroth started to tear up. Kawaii~Chan felt so bad she hugged him. "Garroth~Kun?.. Kawaii~Chan is so, so, sooo sorry, Garroth wiped his tears but realized Laurence was at the doorway Laurence dropped his apple and kissed Garroth on the lips. Garroth's nose started to bleed and he passed out. Kawaii~Chan fangirled so much she fainted. Then Laurence picked up his apple crunched it then left the room to find Dante. He went in Dante's room and Dante was watching a.. JUSTIN BEIBER music video and singing, "~Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhhh- Like Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhhh-- Thought you would be mine always Lol, Lol, Lol.~" Just then he realized Laurence was watching him and shrieked. Dante quickly shut his laptop and said "Oh H-Hi Laurence W-What's up Yo... Heh". Laurence walked over and slapped him and said "Why can't you be more like Garroth?" and just then..... Garroth was standing right behind him and he said "O-Oh sorry". Laurence and Garroth looked at each other and knew they were meant to be and got married and told everyone. Then Aaron and Aphmau got married as well. Dante and Nichole got married soon after. Just that same day Travis and Katelyn got married too.. THE END!! Like if you enjoyed! Please follow me for more crazy Fanfics like this!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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