Snickerdoodle Boy

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"Michael lets get a move on already!" my moms voice echoed through my room. I groaned, slamming my pillow into my face and staying in that position before raising my head to get a breath of air. it was an early sunday morning. sundays were my least favorite day of the week. why? nothing other then the gloriously useless trip to church. I was never religious, and I didn't think I'd ever be.

I was never into the whole idea of christianity or any religion in that instance. I was sort of angry at my mom occasionally, she was the 'insanely happy' mom who signs their kid up for soccer practices and spoils them rotten. thankfully I declined all of that shit, or I'd probably kill myself by now.

I got up from my position, face flat on my pillow which ended up leaving a red spot on my cheek. I glanced into my mirror. my hair was a new shade of red. I did it out of spite to piss off everyone my mom knew at church. they seemed to love the idea that their children were "cleaner" then me in the eyes of God, whatever that meant. I pulled my fringe to one side, grabbed a can of hairspray and sprayed my hair into position. I bit my tongue. I didn't like the way I looked, sometimes I felt really shitty about myself. it was just who I was. every minute that ticked by was another reminder of how alive I actually was. every minute was another minute we can never get back. I glanced at my desk, my eyebrow piercing laid right next to my pile of unfinished assignments that I knew I was never going to accomplish. I shrugged, and grabbed it. putting it in place. this was sure to piss off the priest. I smiled at the thought and put on my flannel over my sex pistols shirt. That's aloud right?

"Michael! I'm not calling you again!"

"Alright I'm coming!" I shouted back, grabbing my phone and headphones and letting "dirty little secret" by The All American Rejects pump through my brain, as strange as that sounds.

After a 16 minute car drive, 6 weird church songs thanks to mom, and a cup of coffee, we arrived at the church. it was a small plot of land. but the building itself filled the space perfectly. as much as I didn't want to admit it, it was a very beautiful building. the hedges in front of the entrance were perfectly straight, the river behind it was flowing at an even pace, and children swarmed the outside.

"I don't like the fact you have a rod of metal in your face Michael Gordon." I heard my mother shout behind me as we walked up to the front entrance. "Whatever it's not like it matters." I rolled my eyes, trying to get a little farther from her. "It does matter! Mikey we're at church!"

"Okay okay I get it."

At the entrance there was a tall blonde boy handing out flyers. He was dressed in a dark blue button up shirt with a black tie, and skin tight black jeans and the same all black converse as me. I sucked in a breath as he handed me one. "No thanks." I laughed. "I don't do church stuff."

He shook his head and laughed at me. "Planting flowers near hospitals is considered 'church stuff?'" he asked. "i'm not interested" I said as I walked past him into where the service is going to be held.

I sat on the end of the bench waiting for the Priest to start. I saw my mother sit a few seats behind me, I could feel her emerald eyes burning into the back of my head. I ignored it.

someone rushed past me, it was the blonde boy who was selfishly handing out flyers, his hands were empty now, thankfully. he sat at the very front, I wondered why?

the service started, it was hard to concentrate on what the Priest was saying, but it was just so boring. I laid back into my seat, breathing out heavily, the action causing a few old people to take a quick glance at me. I ignored their stares and pulled out my phone, taking a quick scroll through my Instagram feed which consisted of hot guys, cats, and bands. I wasn't interested in whatever this was.

to be frank, I was an atheist. I didn't believe in God and I didn't believe in Saints. it was a bunch of made up stuff to make people think that there was a reason for everything. It was all fake, a lie made for people to hold on to something and come back to when their lives turned to shit. A heaven and a Hell to look towards when seeing "the light." A lot of people yelled at me for it, a lot of people thought that I was the devil for some reason. I believed what I felt was true.

"Thank you all for joining us today on this beautiful morning. Let us treasure all living and all breathing for today is a new day to let God through your soul."

"Amen." The crowd of rusty white people whispered to themselves.

I scoffed and shrunk down into my seat even further.

"I would like to introduce our choir for today, talented young adolescents who spend their days giving back, and a sincere welcome to Luke Hemmings. Our lead vocalist."

He handed the mic to the oh so familiar blonde boy whom I now presume was named Luke. He stood up, smiling at everyone and setting the mic down. The music was terrible but it wasn't my place to say. After all this was a church, my mom was seeming to enjoy it, when the donation bucket came around she put it twenty five dollars. I put it an old gum wrapper and a quarter I found in my pockets. The bucket continued around the crowd, stopping at a few kind people every so often. I couldn't help but glance up at Luke every 10 seconds. His voice was the only thing actually saving me from complete and utter boredom. It was soft but strong, and it made my mom tear up which was always a good sign.

The hours passed and before I knew it, everyone was ready to leave. I took in a deep breath and stood up, my legs wobbly and my stomach growling, I was hungry. Did church have any food? My mother and I didn't come here often. My brothers were off at college, leaving me to attend church with my mom, that doesn't have any food.

"Why are you standing in the middle of the chapel." A voice echoed.

I turned around to face Luke, I presumed his name was. "Just thinking about food." I spoke grinning. He smiled a bit and turned towards a small table in the back of the chapel. "There's some snicker doodles over there." He pointed and then glared back at me.

"Thank you snickerdoodle boy." I nodded and walked towards the small table. I saw a shadow of blush cascade his face before I walked away.

As I was about to grab a cookie, I heard foot steps behind me, Luke was standing next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted his direction. "You just can't get enough of me can you snickerdoodle boy."

"It's Luke. And no- I mean yes. I just find you stupid that's all. How does your mom let you go to church dressed like you're in some wannabe punk band?"

I took a bite out of my snickerdoodle and rolled my eyes. "Listen here, I dress how I want and I don't let some floating fake Jesus wannabe decide my actions. Alright?"

Luke stepped away and shook his head. "You're using Gods name in vain." He barley spoke.

"And I will continue to if you don't back off Lucas." I spoke with a mouthful of cookie. "I mean snickerdoodle boy."

"It's Luke. And I don't eat snickerdoodles."

"I'm allergic to eggs."


me and korryn will be alternating chapters so stay tuned for hers :)

- mya :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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