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*Craig's P.O.V.*

A date. What the hell  was I thinking? Not only is Tweek another guy - which still felt incredibly odd to me, by the way - but where was I supposed to take him? We had decided to "hang out" Friday night since I didn't work and he could convince his dad to give him the day off. Even so, Friday was a day that just felt so far away.. I could totally think of something in four days, right? Yeah... I decided not to stress out about it for the time being and just try to act normal..

It was difficult. I was happy, and when lunch rolled around and the next day and I got to see my best friend again I was overjoyed. Jesus freaking Christ, Craig, what has gotten into you?

"Gah! Craig!" came the familiar voice of Tweek running up from behind me. I stopped and turned around to wait fro him. "H-hey!"

"Hey," I responded, nodding my head slightly in greeting.

Together, we walked to the cafeteria in silence. It wasn't an awkward sort of silence. It was actually kind of nice. We didn't have to say anything, so long as we were next to each other.

"Yo," muttered Clyde as we approached the table.

"Wh-where's Token?" questioned Tweek. I looked around to see if I could spot the guy but found nothing of any use.

"I don't know," the brunette sighed. "With his girlfriend, maybe."

"Huh?" Tweek asked, looking confused as ever. Clyde bit into his food, looking pretty pissed with everything.

I decided to take it upon myself to explain just what had happened, "The girl he was with at the dance. Apparently, they're together now."

"Ohh. . ." responded Tweek, giving Clyde a sympathetic look. "What - ngh - what's wrong?"

Clyde shook his head and huffed once he swallowed down his food, "When I was dating Bebe I still made time for my friends!" He exclaimed.

This time, I gave my full attention to Clyde. "Ack! W-when did you t-two break up?!" I was with Tweek on this one. Bebe and Clyde breaking it off was complete news to me. They'd been dating for so long that I never even pictured them apart.

Rather than explain anything to us, he slammed his head on the table, then lifted himself from the cold surface with watery eyes. "That really  hurt," he stated, rubbing his forehead. He got up, grabbed his tray, and pouted, "I'm gonna go get some real food," and then he left.

Tweek and I exchanged nervous looks. "Ngh . . . Y-you think he'll be o-okay?"

I glanced towards the door of the cafeteria, hesitating only slightly before responding. "He'll be fine."

■ ■ ■

The rest of that week had passed by uneventfully. Aside from Clyde and his everyday complaints about Token. Speaking of Token, I only saw him during classes the entire time. Was he really spending all that time with his girlfriend? Who even was this chick? Sure, I've seen her before due to the dance but I didn't even know her name.

Whatever, that wasn't my problem. Especially not at that moment. After all, there bigger more important things on my mind. Like where the hell was I supposed to take Tweekers tonight? And even more importantly, what was I supposed to wear? Did two guys even dress up for each other on dates? Idiot, of course they did!

I sat on my bed, staring at my closed closet door. What would I wear on a date with a girl? Normally I'd dress casual, maybe not even think about what I was wearing. Just grab something and go.

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