Chapter 1

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Jasmine POV

"JASMINE WAKE UP YOU HAVE TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL" yelled my mom out of the kitchen. I quickly got out of bed and did my routine i always did. Take a shower, dress up, do makeup, and BOOM im ready. I looked at my self at the mirror and was satisfied with what i was wearing. It was yet another normal Wednesday at my house and at school. Boy did i hate going there. "Heres breakfast" my mom said as she passed me a bowl of cereal. I looked at my watch and saw that I was really running late and i had no time to eat. "I cant eat because im running late. Bye mom" i said as i peck her check and took a apple from the basket and headed out the door. At school I only had one friend that I truly trusted and that was Susan. We been through hell and back ever since kindergarden and still manage to stay strong at the age of 17. She had a brother named Drew and he was the most idiotic jerk i had ever talked to. Including his other 5 or 8 friends that were the football team lead my the one and only Justin Bieber. I really fucking hated him with all my guts. That fact that he thinks he's all cool that he's the football teams captain gets all girls which are sluts and most importanly POPULAUR. I never talked to him and im not planning to not knowing whati could get myself into with him.

"JASMINEE WAIT UP" shouted Susan as she ran her way up to me.

"Mornin" i said still eating my apple as we both passed the park and on the way to our school.

"Morningggg" she shouted making me flinch and almost dropping my apple.

"Are you hyper or did you drink coffee again" I asked with a smile.

"Eh. Little bit of both" she said popping out her phone.

"Your crazy" I said as we both stood in front of our school.

"Oh my god!! Guess what my brother told me" she said scaring me for the second time. Damn.

"What is it" I said with no emotion in my voice just bored eating my apple.

"Justin Bieber the schools jerk was caught cheating on Selena with Claire" she said laughing at the end.

"Damn. How" I asked.

"They were fucking in the car" she said lifting one eyebrow.

"No way thats fucking crazy he's a manwhore" I said laughing.

"And so is his crew that we are about to past by" she said as we both started walking in there direction.

"JASMINE COME GIVE CHAZZY BOO A HUG" said Chaz throwing me kisses that made the crew laugh.

"Hug you? Hm? How bout' no" I said rolling my eyes at all of them.

"Come on give daddy some sugar" he said wiggling his shoulders.

"Fuck off" said Susan making them laugh even more.

"You all need to get a life because if you dont you'll end up with no girl still living with your parents so i suggest you keep your mouth shut" I said as they all got quiet as a husky deep voice spoke up.

"And who gives you the right to talk to my crew like that bitch" obviously it was Justin that was talking.

"Myself you got a problem" I said looking straightly at him.

"Yes i do. No one and exaxtly no one talks to them like that but ME" he said moving closer to me.

"Well too bad because I just fucking did and theres nothing you can do about it" I said throwing my apple.

"You sure have a big mouth to talk with how bout you use it for something else" he said making the boys 'ooooooo' and Susan to boil up.

"No wonder why I have no respect for you because you clearly cant keep that dirty rude mouth of yours to keep quiet" I said sternly.

"Jasmine we both know you want the taste of this" he said pointing to his body and laughing at little.

"Really because I wouldnt want to make out with someone that cheated on there girlfriend." I said making everyone 'oooooo'

"I dont fall inlove I fuck. " he said walking to the front doors of the school with the crew.

"Thats what they all say Bieber" I said with a smirk on my face.

Justin suddenly stopped walking and turnt to face me with a angered expression.

"YOU MIGHT WANT TO SHUT THAT MOUTH OF YOUR BEFORE I DO IT FOR YOU SLUT" he said venom dripping from his lips.


"Really because it seems to be everybodys buisness evey since you been here " and with that i walked off leaving the crew with their jaws open causing Susan and I to smirk.

"I like that attitude of yours Franco" she said giving me a fist punch.

We put our belongings in our lockers and grabbed our stuff for the school day as I caught a glismpe of Justin and the crew. We were walking our way to class when suddenly Justins crew were close behind our tail because we obviously had the same classes.

Just as we walked in our class all eyes were on us and so was our teacher Ms. Walker looking angry as ever. When i looked at the clock i noticed we were thrirty minutes late to our class.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2013 ⏰

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