The Morning After

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My eyes open to a crowd of people by my side, Tate, my mum and dad, the gay couple and the doctor.

"What. What happened?" I tried to Sit up but the pain was too much. Wait, i'm feeling pain. I should have healed by now...

"Violet, a man stabbed you. You fell unconscious, Tate brought you back just in time. We still don't know why your wounds aren't healing." The doctor stood over me.

"I didn't know what to do. I didn't want you to leave me forever." Tears stream down Tate's cheek. I'm so confused, who was it that stabbed me, why not stab both of us and get away with it? Why did he or she just stab me? And why am I still feeling pain?

"Oh. And I forgot to tell you last night but, there's a new family moving in. I promise Vi, we will sort this out." Tate grabs hold of my hand and tightens his grip.


The pain went away and my wounds healed. We found the problem, the wound was too deep to heal so quick so I had to wait another night for it to fully heal.

The new family moving in came in yesterday to have a look at the house, there was the mum and dad and a son and daughter. I didn't get to hear what the sons name was but the girls name is Katie, i like that name, I don't know why but I just do. The parents seemed strict, but the kids seemed to be sort of rebellious, just like me when I moved in here.

Everyone including my are designed isinglass either to get them out of the house or to try to protect them from becoming crazy. I personally want them to stay so there will be at least one family that has lived in this shitty house.

Suddenly there's a knock at my door. It opens and Tate walks in.

"Hey Vi."

"Hey Tate. Wanna sit down?"

"Yeah." Tate walks up to my bed and sits closely to me, he grabs my left wrist and starts to trace his hands over my fading scars.

"What are you doing?" I questioned

"You kept your promise." He looks up at me.

"Well of course I did Tate."

"You seen the new family?" He let's go of my hand.

"Yeah. They seem ok."

"Rhys doesn't. He looks like the sort of person that would whoo any girl."

"Who's Rhys. And what the hell are you talking about?"

"The sons name is Rhys. I don't want him going near you Violet."

"Tate. I'm not going to go off with him, I'm with you. Remember that."

"Yeah I know."


"Ok." Tate walks over to the door and shuts it, he then goes over to the curtains and closes them.

"What the hell are you doing Tate?" 

"Close your eyes, i want to do something. I've never done it before so if you could be calm and not say anything, that would be great." Tate stand in front of me and starts to take my trousers off.

"Tate, just tell me what you are doing, i will be calm. I promise."

"I-I'm going t-to" Tate looks down embarrassed. "I'm going to perform o-" He coughs." oral sex..."

"Tate, you don't have to." He looks up at me. "I find it weird any-ways."

"I-i want to do it. I want to please you." 

"I fell kinda awkward now. Erm, can we do this later. The new family is moving in and we all need to get a good description of the family." Tate stands up.

"Y-yeah, ok."


As we walked down the stairs the family had already got here. They were all standing in the kitchen admiring it, i saw a boy, he looked around 15 and he had dark ginger hair, he had beautiful blue eyes and was wearing a black sweater and skinny jeans. He has a sister who looks around 14 with beautiful dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she looked shorter than her brother and wore a denim knee high skirt with a Metallica band shirt.

"Tate, what do you think." I whispered.

"About what?" Tate whispered back.

"About if we're scaring them off or letting them stay."

"Oh. I haven't thought about it."

"In my opinion , i think they should stay." I carry on walking down the stairs and before turning invisible i look back and Tate, he smiles at me and i smile back, i make my way into the kitchen and continue to watch their behaviour. 

The parents seem ok, ya' know, like any other 'normal' parents, the kids seem fine as well. I'm debating on wether i should introduce myself to the kids and make friends.

Tate follows me downstairs into the kitchen. He gives me a sly look and walks over to Rhys, i give him a weird look back and he begins to trace his fingers on his back. I mouth to him 'W T F'. I stay still staring at his wide eyes, this is going to be a disaster. Kill me now. Rhys flings his arm behind him in search of something or someone to hit, Tate had to drop to the floor to avoid being hit by him. He turns around, confused and looks dead eyed to his sister, he gives her a dirty look and continues to do what he was doing before which was staring blankly at the pasta arm that we had installed when we lived here. It is so funny watching them trying to get it to work.

I raise my eyebrows to Tate, letting him know that we're done and that I wanted to go upstairs. We walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Why the fuck did you do that Tate?" I crossed my arms.

"I was just having fun, Vi."

"Well think next time, do you really want them finding out about us?"

"No, im sorry Vi."

"Its ok, just take that into consideration."


Ok so this part may seem a bit confusing if you don't read this bold text XD basically the story has skipped like 3 or 4 years, sorry if it seems really confusing :P

"Tate? Tate?! Where the hell are you, Tate?" I called out throughout the house but no answer. Tate has been acting 'off' since the daughter and him started talking to each other, i never thought anything of it because he also talks to Rhys, but something seems strange.

I give up looking for him and head back to my room, well it was mine but it's hers now. I walk down the hallway and my socks skid across the floor towards the door. I hear a strange noise, like a faint banging. It might be Tate planning another 'surprise'. I want to stay away but what if it inst Tate, what if someone is in trouble and i'm doing nothing to help? I swing the door open and what i see tears my heart into two. 

It's Tate, and he's on top of Katie, his blonde mop hangs down over his face and his naked back is facing towards me. I cover my mouth with my hand to try and cover the sound of me crying. A whimper seeps through my hand and Tate looks behind him, not realising that i had been standing there for a few seconds now.

"Vi, no!" I run out of the room and into the back garden and i sit on the gazebo. The sound of Tate frantically trying to get his trousers and pants back on echoes through my mind. How, why, why the fuck would he do this to me? Am i not good enough for him?! Tears flood my eyes and cascade down my cheek as my thoughts come flooding back in. I was planning on proposing to him, to get married to him, but now, i dont know what to do with myself, my whole existence was based around Tate. Was his not based around me?

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