Proven Word Part 3. (Not copy edited yet)

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The days passed quickly on board the captains ship, William and the others found time to relax. Other merchant ships passed them but there was no sign of trouble. Soon enough the captain put them ashore and bade them farewell.

They travelled on foot. Arrowan accompanied them. He had learnt all he could from Nannajess, and with the trouble further south he had decided to head back to Kadrandoo. The rolling hills had given way to great plains bordered by distant hills and crisscrossed by roads and rivers. The weather had stayed good, got even better as they had gone north. They travelled for a day, and were sure they were well ahead of  their pursuers, who could have no real idea where they could be. They camped the night in a crop of trees, which crowned a small hill. They all slept well. As the morning sun broke the horizon it was Arrowan who broke their peace.

 He saw riders and shouted "riders to the south", he hesitated and then confirmed "and to the east".

They all rushed to where Arrowan looked out across the plain. William was a little slower than the others; he found it took time for his joints to loosen up, especially in the mornings. He let out an involuntary groan as he joined them.

"There" Arrowan pointed.

Across the plain came riders. William and Valessa could not make them out, but Nannajess knew them at a glance.

"Shit" she cursed, "they are southmen".

William was aghast, could not believe they were so close. "How?" he questioned.

Nannajess replied, "don't know but they are on to us".

William could still not believe it " they are heading straight for us, how do they know we are here"

"That is what scouts are for" Nannajess replied, pointing again.

They all saw the riders heading to join the main column.

Nannajess moved quickly " we go now" she ordered. They all grabbed their belongings, William made sure he had the book. They were ready in just a few seconds. The riders were some way off, but not even William and Vallessa needed to be told that they would be lucky to out run them.

Nannajess said, " We go as fast as we can. If they catch us we fight"

The others nodded. Nannajess could see the uncertainty in their eyes.

"If we stay," she said, "we fight and die for sure. If we run we or one of us may get away, so we run"

Arrowan had continued watching. He estimated almost a hundred horses were closing in. He had heard them talk and understood Nannajess, but recognised it as futile. Over the last few days he had got to know these people, he liked them, and Valessa was a beauty, he know he felt something for. They had opened their arms to him and Nannajess had told him all he could have wished for and more. In this foreign land he had found companions. In Farnbreth they were now outlaws because of their cause, but here in this land they were beyond those laws and borders. As an ambassador of Cressia he would extend them sanctuary. He stood and turned to them. For a moment the danger his actions could put him in were apparent, those he could protect may turn on him, he brushed the thought aside.

 "As an ambassador of Cressia I grant you asylum" he said it confidently and with authority.

William looked at him with a mocking but friendly smile, and said "for that we are grateful, but I doubt they will stop to ask".

Arrowan was unmoved. "We can run from them and die," he pointed again at the southmen, who in a matter of minutes would be on them. His action drew them all to look again at their enemies.

Nannajess was eager to go, and began to interrupt, but Arrowan spoke first.

"Or we can stand here, with my men" Arrowen looked back over their shoulders with a broad smile and a grand gesture.

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