Right, Cas?

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Dean heard a breathy noise from the phone, sounded like he laughed.

"Great to hear your voice again, Dean."

"You too, Cas. It's been too long."
Dammit, Dean, say something interesting. You haven't seen him in 4 months, talk!

"Yeah..I miss being able to see you..I want to see you again, but.."

Dean knew that tone. That was the same tone he heard from Cas when he told him they were never to be apart again. That was doubt. "Hey, hey, hey, listen to me. We'll be together. We'll be together soon, Cas. Every will work out. Everything always works out for us."

Silence from the other line.

"I love you. You know that, right, Cas?" He tried to hold back the worry in his voice. He didn't know if they would even ever see each other again. This could be the last time he ever hears Cas' voice. Don't worry so much. He'll say it back. He always does.

"Okay. Sure."

Dean felt his eyes fall shut. He doesn't believe him. Cas either doesn't care or he doesn't believe him. "I mean it, Cas. I'm sorry we're apart but I love you more than anyth-" Click.

He felt a rush of panic. Did Cas hang up? Did we run out of time? Should I call back? No. Just got disconnected, that's all. Cas wouldn't hang up on Dean like that. Definitely disconnected.

He put the phone back in its case, getting off of the stool. "Just need some rest.." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his keys and closing up shop.


It was a long drive home. Well, only about 15 minutes but it seemed like hours. Just needed sleep. Just needed some kind of rest. His eyes slipped closed, barely, but just enough to cause him to swerve.

Wake up, wake up, wake up!

His eyes twitched open, seeing two bright headlights coming towards him.


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