Niall Imagine

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"Please don't go, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it the way it came out!" Niall said grabbing the door and closing it before you could leave. "Well I don't really know how else to take it!" You said as a tear escaped your eye. "Babe, don't be like this! Please just stay here with me!" Niall begged now reaching for your hand. "Niall." You said and you gave in. His eyes were as blue as can be and you could tell he wanted you to stay. You went back up to the room and put down your purse and your bag and left you phone on the table. "I love you (Y/N)!" Niall said walking into the bedroom. "I love you too." You said in a whisper and looked down. You were unpacking your bags when Niall came behind you and put his arms around your waist and started to kiss you neck. "Niall..just don't" You said softly as you moved his hands. "Whatever (Y/N). When you want me to be your boyfriend again I'll be downstairs." He said as he slammed the door. You decided to just relax and let off some steam. You started the water and made a bubble bath and grabbed a few magazines. It had only been about twenty minutes when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Yes?" You yelled from the tub. "It's me." Niall quitely said. "Come in." You said remembering your stupid fight. He walked in the door and sat next to the tub. "I'm sorry." He said looking into your eyes. You looked back at him and you realized how much you loved him. "I love you Niall." You said as you leaned towards him and kissed him. "I love you too!" He said as he kissed you again. "I don't want to have fights anymore! I hate fighting with you!" You said almost crying. "Me either babe!" He said kissing your once more and wiping your tear. "Niall?" You asked looking towards him. "Yes princess?" He said looking at you.. "Do you wanna get in with me?" You didnt have to wait for a responce. Niall was in the tub with you. He traded you spots so he was under you. You started kissing, your hands went into his blonde locks and his on your slick back. " love to me?" You said inbetween kisses. And with that his mouth moved to your neck and his hands on your waist. You slowly started to pump him and he moaned. "No teasing tonight!" He said removing your hand. You put your hands on his shoulders and slowly positioned your self on to him. Once you were comfortable you started moving up and down. Niall started rocking to match you. The water in the tub started to make waves, and splash all over. "Naill, I'm close!" You said closing your eyes. "Me too babe!" He said picking up the pace. Your lips connected to his and his tounge explored your mouth. Before you knew it you both hit your high. You collapsed onto Nialls chest until your breathing was normal again. "I love you!" He said kissing the top of your head. "I love you too!" You said looking up and kissing him. You got out and wrapped yourself in a towel and brought back four more. "Babe why did you get so many? Niall asked taking one. "Have you seen the mess we made? You said looking at the floor giggling. "Mm but it was all worth it!" Niall said wrapping his arms around your waist.

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