Hey Everybody!
I have a HUGE announcement for you guys! You get to enter a contest where you post in the comments the best Naruto joke you can come up with and I will scroll through them and pick 20 winners, and those winners will be featured in the next Naruto Meme along with their best story for recommendation! And I will follow them if I haven't as well. This is like a thank you for 15K on this book, I honestly didn't think I would achieve this so this goes out to y'all being the best people you could ever be.
And as always,
*Note: Contest is closed and anymore entries will be ignored.*
Naruto Memes!
FanfictionI was searching for memes and saw a lot about Naruto, so I was like,"Why not?" Disclaimer: All these memes belong to the people who made them, AKA, the Internet World.