Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Winter 1777

*Sophronia's POV*

A tear falls down the side of my face, I quickly wipe it away hoping Haytham wouldn't notice unfortunately he did.

"I know it hard for you being here after losing your friend in this exact place but you need to face this and get over it" I look over to Haytham in shock, how can I forget the death of my friend, my best friend in fact and he wants to forget about it and that's not going to happen as we are in the same place where she ran to her death.

I turn away from Haytham, not bothering to answer as I would properly shout or even snap back and at this moment I don't need any of the guards coming over to investigate. After sitting in silence for about five minutes Connor arrives back now wearing a mercenary outfit which in my opinion suits he very well.

Haytham and I both stand up, I stay where I was sitting but Haytham walks towards Connor and sorts his collar out as he says "That should suffice. Follow me."

We all walk out of the alleyway towards to gate, I walk beside Connor as we all reach the large gate, the man standing in front of the gate stops us "Hold strangers! You tread on private property. What business do you here?"

"The father of understanding guides us."

"You and the girl I recognize. Not the savage." I place my hand on his back, gripping the clothing basically holding him back from the man's cockiness but it seems that Connor didn't listen to the guard but he did listen to what Haytham said which completely shocked all of us.

"He is my son"

The guard turns towards Haytham replying "Tasted of the forest's fruits, did you?" before turning towards the wooden gate and knocking it a couple of times "Off you go, then." as the door opened.

Haytham walks in first I waited for Connor to enter but he pushes me in first, I turn over my shoulder to see Connor glaring at the man as we walked in and he didn't stop until he passed the door.

Barrels and boxes everywhere, I followed Haytham as I looked at the surroundings before me, not noticing I had started to slow down until Connor nudges me softly tell me to hurry up as he walked past.

Haytham walks towards another door pulling the handle but it was locked, he turns towards Connor and I announcing "It's locked. Give me a moment" Haytham bends down picking at the lock and Connor crosses his arms and leans against the door waiting. I stood behind Haytham knowing behind this door is going to be trouble.

"Must be strange for you, discovering my existence as you have," Connor says breaking the silence, I knew this is going to start another bicker between the two men.

"I'm actually curious to know what your mother might have to say about me." Haytham stood up obviously successfully picking the lock "I always wondered what life might have been like had she and I stayed together. How is she, by the way?"

"Dead, Murdered" Connor walks away from the door now standing next to me as Haytham had a shock and an upset look on his face as he replies "What? I am sorry to hear that."

"Oh, you're sorry?" Connor quickly turns and basically snapping at his father "I found my mother burning alive. I'll never forget her face as she sent me away. Charles Lee is responsible for her death by your order. And you're sorry?"

It hurt me to hear Connor speak about my father in such way and the fact he never did it, Haytham never told anyone to destroy the village or did he?

"That's impossible. I gave no such order. I spoke the opposite, in fact-

I told them to give up the search for the Precursor Site. We were to focus on more practical pursuits..."

Connor stops Haytham mid-sentence, pushing him away from the door as he replies "It is done and I am all out of forgiveness" I could tell how much it hurt to speak about the death of his mother, it hurt me to see him like this and I could see he felt responsible for her death just like I feel with my mother but I don't think anyone told him it wasn't his fault.

Haytham turns towards me with a sad impression and nods towards the door before turning and walking through the door with me after him.

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