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"What the hell happened" Ben shouted from the stairs. Suddenly, zombie after zombie started to flood into the house, forcing us back up the stairs. I ran behind Augie back into Kendall's room with Carter behind me. He held his back to the door as the zombies pushed on the other side. I helped Ben and Denise push a dresser against the door.

"That's not going to hold them!" Carter shouted and we were all in a panic again.

"Did you find the journal?" Asked Augie.

"No, we looked everywhere!" Denise shouted as Ben ran to the window. As he opened it, something pulled him down and half way out of the house. Zombies were crowded all over the trampoline outside and one was bouncing on it.
Augie grabbed his legs and Carter grabbed Augie. I ran to the front and pulled Ben up by the back of his shirt and into the room. Before we had anytime to stop and think, the wood on the door started to Crack open and fists started to show through it.

"Guys, if we jump we might be able to clear the fence!"Ben pointed down.

"Nuh-uh I don't do jumping." I looked across the way at the distance.

"Well then I'll organize your funeral!" Carter told me as he swung his legs out of the window and dropped till he was up and over the wall a second later.

"Rachel, go!" Denise shoved my shoulder towards the window. The zombies weren't the problem, the problem was falling. I took a deep breath and jumped out of the window and felt the rubbery material under my feet. With a dive, I was over the wall and next to Carter.

"Sweet." I breathed just before Denise was about to jump. We both ducked when she came feet first over the fence. Next, Augie sat on the windowsill and talked to Ben. We couldn't hear the conversation but we did see Ben push Augie right onto the trampoline; with a zombie on it as well.
We watched as Augie swiped at the zombie and sent him off the trampoline and flung himself onto the wall, where he crawled over. Ben disappeared back into the house but was back at the windowsill in seconds, but zombies made it to the trampoline sooner. They gathered jumping on top of it as Ben hanged off of something from in the house. The three of us squinted to get a closer look.

"Is that his weiner?" Augie asked for all of us.

"Is this the opposite of cock blocking?" I watched Ben hang off the zombie dick.

"We've gotta do something. Hang on to that cock, Ben!" Carter yelled to him. Denise hopped over the wall and started to yell at the zombies.

"Hey assholes, come get me!" She got their attention then hopped back over the wall. All the zombie cleared from the trampoline and allowed Ben to fall safely and jump over to us.

"I've got it!" He shouted as he held up a blob of skin that must have been the penis he was holding onto. We all cringed at the sight and he chucked it over the wall. "I got it!" He said again and this time held up the journal.

"Where was it?" Carter asked.

"Underwear drawer."


The gates leading to us began to rattle so we took off again. Our closest point for possible safety was the neighbors. We ran through the doors and attempted to turn on the power but we're disappointed to find it out.

"Where the hell are we?" Denise asked the question for me. Ben turned on a flashlight and pointed it as a portrait of the lady that attacked Carter.

"That's the lady that tried to eat your ass." I nudged him.

"I can't believe we chopped her head off." Augie was the only one who seemed sorry.

"She tried to eat my ass off, she deserves it."

We walked silently from the door into the dining room. "Carter, check the window." Ben told him. Carter leaned over and pulled back one of the curtains.

"Shit, they're everywhere. Mrs. Fielder's car is in the garage, maybe we can get out that way?"

We nodded and let Carter lead us towards the garage through the kitchen.
We all squished together when a dish dropped and startled us. My hand involuntarily grabbed Carters, but I dropped it when I realized what I was doing confirmed I was scared.
Denise grabbed a pan that was hanging from the ceiling and got into a ready stance.
"I think somethings in here."

"No Shit, honey." I whispered to myself but Carter heard and quickly chuckled.
A high pitched screech sounded and startled us again. Ben beamed his light all around the room until he turned to Augie. My eyes widened and my heart started to pound as I watched little paws climb up Augies shoulders.

"Don't move." Ben commanded him. With a slight turn of the head, Augie finally saw what we were all staring at. A large, white, ear bitten off cat was hanging onto Augie as he spun in circles, screaming with all of us. Denise sent the cat flying with a swing of her frying pan. Noises began to erupt from the living room as a dozen little eyes lit up from the moonlight. We split straight through a door and into the garage where a small car sat. I hopped into the back beside Carter, and Augie squished in beside me.

"Open the garage door!" Denise yelled as Ben fumbled with a button that was supposed to open the door.

"I can't! Ah, fuck it!" Ben rammed on the pedal and the car went crashing through the garage door, a couple of zombies, and onto the street. Once we came to a stop, there Frank stood, arms out, and badly burned. I put one hand on Carters knee and the other on Augies to push myself up and get a better view of my dead step dad.
"Oh my god, it's scout leader Rogers." Ben breathed.

"He looks like Shit!"

"Thanks, Carter." I rolled me eyes and thought of how my mom would feel when she finds out.

"I set him on fire." Augie whined. We all looked at him with questioning expressions. "He tried to eat me!"

Ben pressed on the gas pedal and rammed into Frank, sending him flying over the car.
"Sorry, bro!" Carter yelled over his shoulder as we drove away.

"Well, there goes my step dad." As I finished my sentence, Carter wrapped my head in his arms and put it on his chest as he pet my hair.
"Carter?" I managed as my face was all squished up to him.

"Shh, you can get through this." He continued to pet me.

"I'm honestly OK."

"You're upset, I get that."

"You probably liked him more then me."

"If you need anything, I am right here."

I decided to stop arguing with him and let him keep holding me. I can't figure out why I tried to get him to stop in the first place because for the first ten minutes of the car ride, all I could hear was his steady heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of his chest which calmed me a lot. Just as I closed my eyes, Ben began to talk.

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