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That was weird because before he said number one.Oh well it's not like I am going crazy or anything.So the movie theaters lights went out a little bit ago and my dad hasn't changed the light bulbs yet.So this is not very fun.All of the sudden I heard the puppets again.So I started walking forward.This is weird I didn't know the theatre went this far.I kept going its like I couldn't control my feet anymore.Wait I literally can't control my feet anymore.Then I didn't even want to I started banging things against walls and moaning loudly.This is sooooooo weird.I think a demon has possessed me.Then I grabbed a knife from out of the blue and rose it to my head.Ok, I need to stop this I fianally got a grip of my hand and pulled back before I was about to stab myself.Then I had possession of my whole body.I heard muffled laughter as the demons escaped."3.Demons have escaped your soul because there is something bigger to behold."

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