Chapter 7

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Note from author/writer :

hey guys uhm i wrote another chapter to the story "Friends..?" i was pretty bored so you know haha ok byee hope you guys like it! Please comment and vote! :)

- Jessxoxo

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Jenny's P.O.V

Once we were all done riding a bunch of rides and eating our fries and burgers we all head back to the house .( Including the guys we met today! ) We all hop into the car.It was a little crowed , but that's when Anna had a good idea. I sat on Logan's lap during the car ride.Josh was seated in the passenger's seat again and Alexa sat on Jack's lap, Sam and Johnny just sat comfortably in the next two seats.We head back to the house and then we all get out of the car.We head inside the house and Anna noticed a note on the kitchen table.

" Hey guys ! ( meaning Logan ,Anna, and the rest of her siblings) your father and I are heading to another business meeting and won't be back until a couple of hours. Please just order pizza or Chinese food because I don't think there's anything made in the fridge ok bye loves! xx

- Mom & Dad

"Well i guess that means we can have another movie night !" Anna said excitedly.

" Alright !! " Logan said cheering.

" Uhm Anna its getting kind of late and my parents are probably wondering why im not home yet." i said.

" Oh don't worry, we can stop at your house and ask your parents if you can sleep over and if they say yes we can pick up some clothes for you! Oh and same for you too Alexa, if you wanna stop at your house at pick up some clothing." she told us.

"Sounds like a plan !" said.

So Anna, Josh , Alexa , and I all head to the car while Logan, Jack, Johnny,and Sam stay at the house. We arrive at my house first and Anna and I get out of the car to go ahead into my house. I knock on the door and my mom answers it.

" Oh hey honey , where have you been? Did you have fun..?" my mom said

" Hi Mrs.Lawrence how are you? Is it okay if Jenny sleeps over again at my house..?" Anna asked

" Uhm well sure!" she said

" Ok thank you so much! Were just going to head up to Jenny's room to pick up some clothes!" Anna said

" Alright girls have fun then!" my mom said.

We head up to my room and I quickly take about 5 outfits out of my closet along with some socks and a pair of sneakers. " Ok do you have some kind of bag?" Anna asked me. I nodded and then pointed to the door next to my closet. To be honest I kind of like my room here in New York. It not too big , bu then again its not too small. I like it a lot ! Anna opens the door and picks a purple suitcase/bag. Anna helps me fold and put the clothing into the suitcase. She zips up the bag and we head downstairs." Wait! " i said before landing on the last step of my stairs.

" What..?" Anna asks me.

" I almost forgot my toothbrush,brush, and toothpaste !" i said

" Don't worry I have a new spare toothbrush,brush,and toothpaste back at home!" Anna said

" Alright! "i said.

Before we left I said bye to my mom and then we left.

We get into the car and we all agree that the next stop was Josh and Alexa's house.

We get to their house and its a really pretty house! They had flowers planted outside next to the door. Their house were similar to mine , but my was painted a light shade of blue.

" Alright this will be quick, you two stay in the car and me and my bro will get our things ok..?" Alexa said.

" Ok !" Anna and I said together.

They go into the house and to be honest it only took them about 5 minutes to get all their things! They head outside with their own bags in each of their hands.

"OK ready! " Josh and Alexa said.

They get into the car and we drive back to Anna and Logan's house.

Anna's P.O.V

Well we had a great time at the carnival and I saw that everyone had their own person that they went got along with. Yay i was so excited when Josh started to hold my hand because he still didn't ask me to be his girlfriend, but i have a feeling that he is gonna ask me soon! Well we had to stop at Jenny's, Alexa's and Josh's houses to get some clothing for them. Yay were finally back home!

Jenny's P.O.V

Alright we finally stopped at eachother's houses and got back home we all got out of the car and head inside.

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