Two | The Village

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"Young master!"

"Master Hak!"

"When did you come back, Master Hak?!"

The people of Fuga crowded the young general and his company like moths to a flame. Princess Yona gazed at the people with a mixture of fear, anxiety and wonder. Hak raised his hands, calmly handling the situation per usual, casting a sidelong glance at Yona. Suddenly, everyone was focused on her. "Oh my, who is this girl? Is she Master Hak's girlfriend?" They fawned over the new, red-headed girl who just stared.

"No, she is a trainee lady-in-waiting from the castle." Hak informed the crowed calmly. Although meant to ease the attention, it only fanned the fire on Yona. They began asking even more questions, which caused Yona to turn her head every-which-way to try and catch them all.

"Um..." she spoke softly, catching sight of silver way in the back ", um..m..." But she couldn't finished. She had collapsed from the exhaustion and the lack of sleep. Hak was the first to step towards her, but an elder and a young female had already caught her. "My, isn't she a fragile little thing."

"Get her a bed and something to eat!" Hak demanded while gently scooping the princess in his harms, bridal style. There were a few excited whispers exchanged as Hak strode past. "Didn't you hear me?" The villagers quickly scrambled away to follow the ex-general's orders, whispering among each other. Hak took a steady breath inwards in order to shake off the anxious feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

"Where is Elder Mun-deok?" Hak inquired with a sidelong glance to Hand-Dae

"The elder went to the Crimson Dragon Castle. "


The blonde raised his arms in a shrugging motion as he conversed with Hak. " So you didn't know. Out of the blue there was a five general summons from the castle. " Han-Dae replied with a questionable gleam in his golden-brown irises. Hak sighed inwardly, staring ahead without expression. He must need the five clans approval... Mun-deok will not approve unless he is forced.

[ — — ]

It was two hours after the sun rose to its highest point in the sky, when Yona awoke from her slumber. "Yona-hime." Murmured a familiar voice. Yona blinked in confusion, turning to her left side towards the voice. Surprise raced through her veins as she sat up quickly. "It's you! The girl from the forest!"

The girl was still hidden under a hood, which confused the young princess. "Why must you wear that hood? We are alone, I promise I won't tell anyone what you look like!" A soft chuckle passed the mystery woman's lips as she turned to hand Yona a small cup full of a green liquid. Yona took the cup with a questionable look in her eyes.

"It's a soothing medicine, you suffered from over exhaustion and the lack of sustenance. Please drink it, Yona-hime."

Cautiously, the red haired girl brought the warm cup to her lips and took a long drink. It was odd, she almost felt instantly renewed. Maybe it was because the mysterious girl told her what the medicine does, she just imagined it.

"Wait," Yona murmured as the silver haired girl began to leave. She could hear the girl sigh and turn towards the princess, making her feel a little guilty. "please stay. I can—"

"I wish I could stay, but I can't. It's not time... Goodbye, Yona."

Wait, she's never just called me Yona.

"Do I know you? Please, just answer me this." Yona practically begged as she watched her open the paper door and step out. The other was silent a moment before closing the door and leaving.

But before she had left, the mysterious girl muttered a single word that made the young princess' heart beat faster.


[ — — ]

Hak had become fairly curious about Yona-hime ever since their exchange at the gates of his village. She seemed to be filled with a new kind of fire, and it kind of relieved the ex-general.

They travelled for a few hours before they reached the mountain. There was a sense of unease, like the two were being watched. Hak sensed it a while back and judging by the way Yona was humming cheerfully behind him, she hadn't noticed a single thing. A small 'tch ' and a sudden kneel to the ground stopped them in their tracks.

"Since I'm a free man, I might misbehave."

"Misbehave..?" Yona questioned, tilting her head. Out of nowhere, Hak had her pinned to the wall. Yona's breath hitched in her throat. "H-Hak—"

"Quiet. Footsteps... Fourty? No...fifty." The black haired male murmured in her ear. Yona finally understood. "I thought they were through perusing us, but with this number they mean business."

Yona's expression shifted as she asked, "are they the king's troops or..."

Again, Hak interrupted. "Princess, if you're gonna cuddle up to me you gotta be more... Cuddlisious."

The young female was confused yet again by all of her childhood friend's actions. But when she saw how severely surrounded they were by the fire tribe forces, she didn't question it. "Now that I've got my warm up, shall I get to work?" Hak chuckled , unwrapping his weapon.

It was a heated battle, and quite an unfair one as well. Yona found herself hidden in a bunch of mountain shrubbery before she could even blink. All she knew was that Hak was hurt and fighting all alone.

"Yona-Hime, please stay hidden."

Yona spun on her heels to face the woman from before. Anger flared in her beautiful blueish-purple eyes. "I can't just sit here and do nothing! Hak is going to die if I play the helpless princess! "

There was clearly no stopping the raging princess, so the mysterious woman opted to stick close to the young princess as she struggled against the fire tribe leader. She almost cut in, when he had her princess in a tight grip, but the princess managed fine on her own. Although, she had much less hair than before. A small, amused smile graced the girl's lips as she watched the scene unfold.

"Hak!" She suddenly yelled. Yona struggled with the sword she carried, but managed to fight off whoever charged ( with the help of the stranger).

Everything happened so fast. Hak slipped, Yona fell with him...

And as they were falling , both saw someone jump off after them, speeding down and trying to save them both from the fall. Yona's eyes widened even more than they had before when the hood of that mysterious girl finally slid off, revealing a mass of beautiful silver hair and the face of a young girl.

"I will always be here to catch you." She murmured as they crashed into the trees, all three of them knocked out cold.

[ — ❝ ♰ ❞ — ]
ALRIGHT! It's the second chapter and I'm feeling greAT. Sorry I haven't updated in a while , school had been killing me! I hope you liked this chapter,, I'll try to update within two weeks if anyone is still reading.

— Cas

(What do you think the relationship between the mystery girl and Yona was/is? Hmmmmmm...~)

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