Part Two

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"Put it up against your shoulder, it helps to keep your aim steady... And use the sight... Just line it up..."

You pulled the trigger, the bolt firing and hitting the edge of the target, the closest you'd managed to get so far.

"Yes!" You cheered, reloading and smiling widely at Daryl as he stepped closer, his hand running across the back of your shoulders lightly as you lifted his crossbow to aim again.

His touch gave you goosebumps, and a small smile lingered on your lips as he came to stand behind you, his hands moving to your arms as his warm body pressed into yours.

"A little higher," he whispered into your ear, his arms correcting your aim.

"Now focus. Eye on the target," he breathed, his breath tickling your cheek.

"Kinda hard to do right now," you grinned, nudging him away as he chuckled.

Focusing once more, you took aim, correcting your arms like Daryl had done.

You took a deep breath and as you exhaled, you pulled the trigger, watching as the bolt flew true, embedding itself in middle ring of the target. Not quite dead centre, but still pretty damn close!

You heard cheering and turned around to see Rick, Carl, Glenn and Maggie watching your lesson, grins plastered on each of their faces.

Grinning, you took a small bow and then tossed Daryl's crossbow back to him.

"How's that?" You smirked and Daryl barked a laugh, addressing the others as he spoke.

"One bullseye and she thinks she's a master..."

You raised your eyebrows at him and then before anyone could blink, you grabbed one of your knives from your belt and threw it as you turned, watching with a smug grin as it hit home with a "thunk", obliterating the black dot in the dead centre of the target.

You turned back to Daryl, seeing how his eyes had brightened with the challenge you had just given him.

"I don't know, Dixon. I'm pretty master at that..." You grinned as you tossed him one of your knives.

He weighed it in his hands for a second before he threw it as hard as he could, him aim true, but the hilt hit the target instead of the blade, clattering away and landing in the leaves somewhere.

Walking to Daryl, you you put your arms around him and smiled up at him.

"It's alright babe, we can't all be as perfect as me..." You teased, feeling his hand moving down your thigh.

Suddenly he had your knife in his hand and he threw it, barely looking at the target. This time it found it's mark, and you exhaled quietly as you saw.

"Okay, that was very hot..." You confessed to a smug Daryl, stretching up to kiss him once before going to retrieve your knives and Daryl's bolts.

You'd all left the prison for target practice and a break from the caged feeling it gave you.

You'd been living in the prison for a few months, ever since stumbling upon it after seven months of roughing it in the surrounding area.

You'd lost a few people since you joined the group, but Rick had lost more than any other.

First Shane, who tried to kill him, and then Lori, who had died giving birth to their daughter, Judith... But loss was a big part of the new world, and even if it hurt, it was normality.

Daryl had lost Merle not too long ago, and you knew that seeing his brother as a walker was a sight that haunted his nightmares, but you were always there when he woke up sweating and gasping for air.

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