Silly little Levin

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Jess: It was over whelming. I could die, that part I wasn't scared about. The part that I was scared about was Loki escapement and hurting my friends. And Sky, did I like him Sly or Laurance? I had know them all for so long but I don't know which one I belong with. Sure I had kissed Sly but I felt so safe around Sky, and Kaurance was funny and could always make me laugh. "Momma" levin said in his sweet little voice kicking me out of my thoughts I looked down at him and smiled. Levin had some how gotten yellow paint in his hair and was now trying to wipe it out. "Silly little Levin!" I said as I took a cloth and wiped away the paint. Levin giggled and then yawned. "Looks like it's time for bed." I said as I picked him up in my arms. He protested only a little before saying "Momma tell me a stori" "okay Levin, I'll tell you and Malici a story." I said as I sat down on my bed. Malici ran over and jumped onto the bed. "Once there was a town. It wasent a very big town but it was home to a little girl. This little girl dident have any parents but some nice boys found her and taught her how to fight and survive. They loved to play in the woods and loved to play by the stream. But one day the oldest boy the leader said that he could understand squids and had over heard them say the were going to take over the world. Everyone laughed at him except for a few of his friends including the little girl. So the friends went on a journey to defeat the squids. They fought long and hard and we're finally winning when the little girl was taken and placed in a new home. There she found new friends and powers and learned how to gpfight bad people. One day when she was fighting a bad person she was taken and dropped of in some woods." I was telling them the story of my life. As I told it more memory's came back to me but more vividly and I started to remember more about Sky and my life before the hall when I realized the boys had fallen asleep. I picked them up and walked over to their beds placing them down to realize I was just hovering above the ground. Just enough so that my ankles wouldn't be injured. But also high enough not to have noticed the water that was slowly rising in the cabin. I quickly looked around for the sorse of the leak. I could see none and I flew to the door only to find it stuck. "Sky! Sly!Laurance! Anyone!" I yelled threw the door. But the sound just seamed to bounce back. I rammed my self against the door only to succeed in bruseing my side. Malici had woken up and saw the water rising. "Mom, what's going on?" He asked me as the water began to rise even more. "Malici, do you still have that beeper I gave to you to press if you were ever in danger?" I asked him. He nodded. "Malici press the beeper quickly." I said as I picked up Levin and flew the one foot higher I could fly in this small room. I placed Levin on a shelf and flew back down to grab Malici. "I pressed it Mom." He said as I picked him up and placed him up there too. I could sence that the beeper signal wasn't getting threw. Water was now 3 feet high in the cabin and rising steadily. think Jess think! Then pain filled my body and I couldent fly anymore. I managed to stay afloat but I felt my streanth weakening. The water was ice cold and so was my stomach as pain shot threw it. I grabbed the 2 Shards we had found and threw them at the door. They made a loud bang against the door that I knew had been heard becuase Mjolnir's shards were superior to these quieting Magics that were on the cabin and the super streanth walls. Pain filled me even more and my vison began to fade as I heard Malici say "Mom!" "Don't move" I said to Malici before passing out.

Laurance: I couldent sleep. At all. Was my mom Scarrlot which? The only thing I remember about my mom was the color red. Was that the reason why I couldent sleep? No, it was something else. I felt a dark magic near me but threw the wall. I walked out side of my cabin. Sly and Sky were busy in conversation with Ross,Max, Barney and Angle. Sky saw me first and said "Can't sleep?" "Yes, I can't sleep I thought it was you know the idea that Scarlet Which is my mom but that's not it. I sence somthing. And it's dark." I said. Sky pricked up his ears and said "I heard somthing." (Sunset had just finished btw) I listen but only heard the waves. "There it is again." Sky said looking over the rail. We all looked also but saw nothing. "It must be the squids, I heard them say shhh." Sky said. "You can here squids?" I asked amazed. Sky nodded then said. " We should go check on Jess becuase you know the squids want to kidnap her and all." Sly said. As we walked closer to Jess's room the dark feeling grew stronger. "Guys it's getting stronger the closer to Jess's room we go." I said. At that Sky and Sly picked up their pace and we ran to Jess's door. Sky tried the handle the handle moved easily but the door wouldn't budge. i heard a loud clunk as somthing hit the door from the inside. I pushed Sky and Sly aside and placed my hand on the door. I felt the energy holding the door shut. I willed the door to give way and the door burst open. Water flowed out of the door knocking a Sly and I off our feet. Sly managed to grab onto the railing but I was swept over the side. I could feel the squids around me. I pushed them back with my mind and swam torwds the surface. I broke the surface to see a Sly just about to jump in after me. He say me and extended his hand to me I grabbed on greatfully and he pulled me up. When my feet touched the deck I imedetly heard Loki's voice in my head "Go kill Sky." No way was that going to happen!! "Sly knock me out." I said and the necpxt thing I knew it was morning. 

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