Favor for Stu

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I will not lie, for lying is a major character flaw which I am peccant to, I am not a nice person. My tongue is sharper than Excaliber and my attitude is atrocious at best. However, my ability to conceal these character traits is applaudable, if I do say so myself. Yet, however skilled I am at this hidden talent, the illusion will occasionally falter, allowing strangers to be privy to the beast inside. Sometimes, I am able to disguise these faults as a joke. Just add a simple smirk at the end, a slight twinkle in the eye and nobody will see past the "joke". Another thing that I will admit is my intense dislike of people. Over the course, I have met hundreds of people, and have come to like less than a hundred, if I am being generous. Coming from a family with 17 blood-aunts/uncles, each with two-three children (some even having 6), it is easy to see how I have reached such a high number. Sadly, I even dislike a lot of relatives. The unnecessary conversations, the over dramatic nature of said relatives, is quite tedious in the best of days. 

Now, this paragraph is being written about my friend Stuart. The fact that I recognize him as a friend is quite an achievement for I do not see most people as friends, rather as acquaintances. Acquaintances which I will most likely have a use for in the future. What use? I am not sure if I am honest. 

Before I start talking about my friend's personality, I should tell you about his appearance. Stuart is about a head taller than I and has dark, shaggy hair. He is not the best looking character, but he looks better than some. He has pale skin which contrast dramatically with dark, long, flat eyebrows. His eyes are not the largest either and are set in a bit deep in his skull. His face is rounder at the top and narrows off into a rounded chin. His cheekbones are high, yet not predominant. His lips are slightly thin and a tickle-me-pink. He constantly wear too-large t-shirts (much like myself) and has a bit of an awkward stance when distracted. In the past, he used to keep a miniature book (either a bible or a dictionary, perhaps both) in his right pocket. 

Now that we have his appearance out of the way, let us discuss his personality. Stuart's personality is deep and more complex than a labyrinth, perhaps one of the reasons I keep him around. Just as you think that you have finished peeling away all the layers, more layers keep appearing. It is a never ending cycle of rethinking what you know about the teenager. After half a decade, I have only uncovered the superficial layers, that is a lot if digging if you mind me saying. I remember the first facade quite vividly. The facade of the quiet book nerd. Much like myself, Stuart could be seen carrying a book around, avidly reading in his spare time. We bonded over books. His personality was also friendly and mischievous. As the years progressed, I uncovered his dark sense of humor and his cunning nature. Stuart is not the best at school; he certainly is intelligent, just doesn't do well with tests or written work. There are many other quirks in his personality, such as his interests in different religions/beliefs and his incredulous ability to boost one's mood after being surrounded by imbecilic, love-struck teenagers all day. 

Besides this, I am not quite sure what else to say. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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