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Just so you know I found this in my house, so either my older brother or I wrote this when we where younger. I can't remember. I feel that my brother wrote it but it looks like I did. So if its a little confusing or something blame it on being little. Also I'm just putting this on here because I thought it was cute



I am an airplane flying in the sky

I am an airplane soaring very high

I am an airplane gliding through the air

Going to what ever height I dare!


I am an airplane way above a cloud

With my engine roaring loud

The stars an endless diamond shroud


I am an airplane doing what I do

But I do it all for you

I am an airplane valiant and true

Going into the mystic wild blue


I am an airplane floating on a breeze

Up above the tallest trees

Flying is such an ease


I am an airplane drifting in mid-air

Zooming by with no despair

I am an airplane hovering above your heads

Doing what the pilot says


Honoring the faithful crew

And all the people just like you

I am an airplane darting over seas

You can need see sights like these


Sun lit skys'

People point and say "look how that plane flies"


I am an airplane diving all the way

And the only thing I have to say

Is thank you for the happy day


For now I know my job is done

This puts an end to all our fun

So I say goodbye

It was fun to fly


So before I go

I want you to know

The joy I had today

So what I want to say


Is thank you for good times

This whole song rhymes

And as I hope to see you soon

Tomorrow around the time of noon


Then I hit the ground

And watch you leave safe and sound

Letting you go

It's hard to say no


But the pilot pulls away

There is nothing left for me to say

As we head back home

All alone



Now that I actually typed this ITS REALLY DEPRESSING. You as the airplane sounds like you are dead or about to be dead. And you are seeing into the 'future' of that when you dies and the other is all sad so are you and they are also dying and you just wanna go up and hug them and tell them that you're ok that they'll be ok and everything it fine! Wow I'm out of breath just typing that... Well tell me you point of view on what it sounds like and if you like it!


P.s. I am currently writing several stories at the moment I should get over writers block in like a month or so. Until then Ill keep trying to write and find old stuff. :)

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