Whats Right. Whats Wrong

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       +self-harm, triggers, drugs and alchohal+

Ben Pov

     I knew they were fighting over me ,but its starting to get out of hand. Jeff and E.J. cant even be in the same room as each other with out trying to kill each other. I was talking to a friend on the phone untill I felt strong arms around my waste. I looked up up to see Jeff. normaly I would push him off, but all I did was smile. he smiled back at me (well he was already smiling).

I turned around and nuged him giving him the signal to let go. Jeff did was he was told, but still had hid hands on my waste. to my suprize it made me blush, I covered my face with my hands.

"your so cute..I..uh I want to tell you some thing."  "yeah Jeff what is it."

Jeff Pov

      I have to tell him how I feel. 'why is this so hard'. my thoughts toke over and my face started heating up really fast.  "um.....Ben I-I ....... I uh." I toke a deep breath, slowing my heart beat. I picked Ben up bridal style and walked up the stairs to our room ( ben and I are room mates). Ben was shocked and shut his eyes, but he didnt scream. I walked into the room and set him on my bed so I could close and lock the door. I walk to the bed and sat next to Ben.

"Ben I really like, not the way eyeless does." Ben looked at me confused, but still understanding.

"im not going to use you like my like sex doll, because thats what he wants!" I didnt know I was yelling untill Ben started to cry. I quitly wiped away his tears."sorry, ben."

"No its.. I really like you too and.."

"..I dont know what I feel towards Jack."

I was kinda relived by his words. 'He likes me to, but he doesnt know what he feels for Eyeless'.

Ben Pov

    all I wanted was for Jeff to hold me, and I still want that. I held my head down. 'i dont diserve Jeffs or Jacks love'.

)+( time skip )+(

      I was laying in Jeffs bed. still unable to sleep. I turned around to see a cute sleeping Jeff. I slowly moves Jeffs arm from my waste and got up trying to not make any noise. I walked to the bath room that was in our room. I looked in the cabinets and under the sink untill I fount it.......

             ..............the blade..

Jeff Pov

     I was starting to wake up. moving around in bed I noticed Ben wasnt in it. I looked up from the bed and saw the bath room light on. I could also hear light sobing. I got up slowly so my bones wouldnt hurt and the suden movment. I walked to the bath room, as I got closer the crying got louder. I was standing im the doorway in shock.

Ben was on the floor blood striming down his arm. his cloths were drenched in his blood and he was shaking. I could tell he was crying, his eyes were blood shot and tears were still striming down his face.

I crashed down into the floor and toke the blade from his hand. "what are you doing!?" I screamed "im.. sorry Jeff" is all he said. "please dont do it again...promes me." Ben looked into my eyes. "if you dont promise i'll have to tell slender." Bens eyes widend. "okay...Jeff I promise I wont to it again." Ben sighed in the middle of his sentince. "its okay, im sorry for yelling I was gust worried." Ben smiled at my words like he didnt belive that untill I said it. I had ben take a shower to clean the blood off. he put some triforce (from the legand of zelda) boxers on and I gave him a black t-shirt. soon we were back in bed and he was nuzziling my chest for warmth.        'Too Cute'.

Ben Pov in the morning I got up early to go on a mission with toby.

when I got back jeff was gone on a killing-sprey. so I tried to keep my self from geting bord. I was playing Fnaf on my laptop untill Jack came in to my room holdind a bottol and obeiosly drunk.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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