Chapter 5

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Holy crap! It's been so long! But here is your chapter :)

Kat's POV

I sat on my bed wondering what the hell I was going to wear. I glare at my closet and scream at it. Alex walks by my room and gives me a weird look, I smile and close my door. I run over to the closet and open it dramatically taking in my clothes. I pick through my clothes and find nothing. I close my closet doors and sigh. What am I going to wear?? I walk out into the hallway an head toward Alex's room. I open the door and yell at her "I don't know what to wear!!" She looks at me, and opens her closet. I look through all of her clothes and find it. The most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was a gorgeous red dress with tiny little wooden buttons going down like a zipper. I grab the dress and run out screaming "THANK YOU!" I run to the bathroom and strip down to shower. Once my long relaxing shower was over with, I got dressed and started applying natural makeup. I didn't want to seem fake! I head back to my room and grab my purse and head out to the living room to wait for Felix forgetting about the Marzia situation. I soon hear a knock at the door. I get a strange feeling in my stomach and look out the peephole and was met with Marzias eyes.. I gasp and back away from the door. "Marzia! What are you doing here?!" I shout at the door and soon hear Alex running out of her room "Felix.Is.Mine!" I hear banging on the door as she try's to ply the door down. Alex runs over to the phone a dials 911. Marzia keeps yelling and banging on the door angrily. We soon hear sirens and Marzia kicking the door down. I gasp and Alex inches towards the knife rack in the kitchen. Marzia looks at me with a sinister grin and a knife in hand. "M-Marzia.. It doesn't have to be like this" she grins and opens her mouth "Yes. It wouldn't have been like this if you stayed away from Felix" she winks and starts running towards me. I gasp and back up. I see Alex grab a knife and sprint over to Marzia and stab her arm. Marzia yells out in pain and Alex backs up shocked and drops the knife. "Kat, what do we do?!" She looks at me with a scared look on her face. I start to process what just happened as a bunch of policeman run into the room and pick up Marzia and put her in handcuffs. I stare dumbfounded and worried for Marzias arm. She may of tried to kill me, but I still felt bad for her poor arm. The police question me and Alex and we tell them what we knew, the truth. When the police left, I hear someone run up the steps, it was Felix. I stare at him hurt, he didn't show up for our date.. He looks at me and states "I know what happened.." I look at him and try and pull a small smile "yeah.." He looks at me and comes over closer to me. "Kat.. You know you're really beautiful right..?" I look at him and my heart starts racing, blood rushes to my cheeks as he leans down closer to me and BAM! We kiss. I was magical, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. It lasted nearly 2 minutes but felt like forever... we were both out of breath when it ended. He looked at me and I looked at him. "How about we postpone this date for now and just cuddle?" He said smiling looking at me. "Hell yeah" I said smiling back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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