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Stiles POV
"Are you sure you want to go to school today? We can skip and binge watch SpongeBob some more," Scott asked brushing his teeth, "no, I want to go... I want my life to go back to normal," I said. He opened his mouth to argue but then refrains, "Alright..." He said and then got his book bag and we headed to school, we are already missing first period.

When we got to the school I got out of the jeep and headed to class, I heard Scott's footsteps behind me. "Scott, go to your class, I can make it to mine on my own..." I begged just wanting a second alone, "I want to make sure you get there safe," he grips my wrist tugging on me to come on. "Jordan is watching..." I point to Parrish in his deputy car, "you're going to be even later, your class is on the other side of campus." I said. "I don't trust him... I know you want to be independent but I can't let you get kidnapped again, now we can either go to class or go back to the house, " he said.

"Wait... Why don't you trust Jordan?" I asked curiously, "I just don't... He doesn't add up, I just get bad vibes from him..." He said and then he walks me to class.
"Hey, let's leave..." Scott runs up to me after the bell dismisses us from 3rd period, I know he was nervous because 4th period is my free period, and no one in the packs free period is the 4th. "It will be fine... I will go sit with Parrish, you need to go to class... You've already missed enough school days for me," I said and he made a pouting face. Scott wasn't wanting me to be alone with Parrish so he wasn't moving, "help," I mouthed to Isaac and he came over and started dragging Scott to his class, Scott put up a fight.

I took the chance to run out of the building and to Parrish's car, I opened the door and smiled at him. "Well hello," he chuckled bending a page in his book to save his place, "What brings you here?" He asked. "It's free period," I tried to act casual, what Scott said earlier is kind of getting to my head. "Where's Scott?" He asked curiously, "he has class," I unzipped my backpack and got out a notepad to draw in, "good..." I heard him mumble. "Excuse me?" I asked and he acted like he said nothing, "why did you say good?" I asked. He sighed "I get bad vibes from him..." He said, "oh..." I said confused.
After 5th period I walked to lunch with the pack, I didn't pack anything because there wasn't anything at the house. "Wanna go home after lunch?" I asked Scott and he nodded happily, we sat in our usual spot outside, it's a picnic table under a tall tree.

About 5 minutes pass before things get screwed up like usual, "I'll take care of him," Scott growls and so does Isaac. "No, I'll deal with it," I rolled my eyes and pushed them back in their seats, I walk up to him and cross my arms "What are you doing here Derek?" I asked. "I-I wanted to see you, they won't let me see you," he pointed to the pack. "Who do you think requested that?" I asked and he looks at the ground, "are you ok?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Look I'm going to fix us... Ok?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "don't Derek... Just sto-" I was interrupt by a swarm of cameras circled around me and Jillian Hills was in my face with the mic again.

"How do you feel about your friend being arrested for the murder of your dad and potential kidnapper of you on the night of your rape?" She asked, "What are you talking about?" I said confused getting blinded by the flashes from the cameras. I looked to the picnic table and there are some cops arresting Scott. I tried to escape the circle of paparazzi but I could, "What's going on?" I start trembling not wanting to believe what's happening. "Stiles! Don't believe them!" I heard Scott say before the officer shut him up.

The officers and teachers started breaking up the photographers, I stood in one place trying to wrap my mind around what just happen. I look around me to find Isaac, I want him to comfort me because he always knows how to do that, "Isaac?" I called out but he wasn't around me. "Derek?" I called out, I realize I'm alone now, not even the students that were eating lunch are here now. "Jordan?" I called out beginning to break down to tears from confusion. "Stiles?" I heard someone call out, I turn around to see it was Liam.

Liam's POV
"Liam... What's going on?" Stiles cried upset, "they found some DNA around the area of where your... Um, dad's body was found. It was Scotts DNA..." I said sheepishly, I don't like seeing Stiles so upset.

"No... They didn't, you're lying..." He wiped the tears from his eyes and stared at me, "I-I'm sorry Stiles..." I said. His lip started quivering and I held out my arms, for a human he is pretty strong, he tackled me and caught me off balance a little. "Shh... It will be ok Stiles, I promise..." I rubbed circles on his back, "No it won't..." He mumbled in my chest. "Yes, it will... Want to know why?" I asked and he looked up at me weakly, "Scott was with me the whole time you was missing... We were having pack night at his house... Someone is framing him. I need your help to find them... Can you help?" I asked, "let's get started," he stood up and dragged me to his jeep.

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