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"Jagi...?" I said softly before turning the doorknob allowing myself to come in. I could see Hana peacefully sleeping in her bed. I sighed in relief. My mind had been in other places, thinking other things, and playing tricks on me. Assuming things. Hana mumbled and rolled onto her side.

"Jagi..?" I said softly, taking a couple steps towards her and sitting at her bedside.

"...Mmm Hoseok..." She said, moaning a little.

(Hoseok who the Fuck is Hoseok what the fuck) It was all I could think. I got up, and stumbled back as my vision blurred and eyes getting watery already, I hadn't even confronted Hana.

(Who's Hoseok why is she saying his name is she having a wet dream she should be dreaming about me what the flying Fuck you Fucking asSHOLE)

        I couldn't believe her, and I just left, not bothering to close any doors, I mean it wasn't like they were closed to begin with. I had eventually grown tired of crying seeing I had cried the whole walk home. I hesitated in reaching for the metal doorknob which led into my house. Slowly, I let my hand down, away from the knob and continued on.

        I had thought of a place that I wanted to be...somewhere secluded so I could cry alone. Yeah. I cried. And what.
I went on to listen to the voicemails left in my phone from Hana.

Voice Message One: "Jungkook...Please answer my calls its important..."


Voice Message Two: "I really don't want to do this over the phone Jungkook....just pick up the phone"

(She's not)

Voice Message Three: "I can't do this anymore Jungkook...it isn't working out well... I'm breaking up with you"

(She did it.)

Voice Message Four: "Please... don't contact me anymore... I started seeing someone else, and I don't want you to interfere, have a nice life Jungkook"

        After listening to all four messages she had sent, I couldn't help but throw my phone. I had been so angry, so infuriated, so hurt. I wiped the hot tears streaming down my face as more formed. That's when I started running. I ran down the dirt as I did before dust spitting back from my heels.

        I hadn't realized I was running right through the poison hemlock and thorn bushes until my clothes had been caught in a busy and my body, tingling and bleeding, was unable to move. I was stuck. I winced as I noticed my pale skin turning red and irritated along with small tiny gashes as big as an eraser top off of a pencil.

"It's not really good to be that reckless, running through here." A voice I heard before was now behind me.

"Leave me alone" I spat back.

        Leaves crunching towards me I noticed the boy from the last time I came here, not too long ago. He carefully put his notebook down in the grass and started removing all the thorns and stems from my arms. Then after he crouched down and did the same with my legs working from my feet up. I moved back a little seeing that he was reaching for my hips and my crotch.

"I-I can do it" I stammered softly

        He didn't listen, he just continued. He hadn't touched me at all, yet somehow managed to get me free. He walked behind me; examining the back of my jeans and shirt. I wiped my face with my hands and stared at my torn up laces. All I could think about is her.

"What's wrong" I looked up at the boy who was now in front of me.


"What's. Wrong."


"This is my hideout....so if were gonna share, then What's your name?"

"Jeo-" Hearing my voice crack I cleared my throat. "Jeon Jungkook...what's yours?" I asked, a part of me actually wanting to become friends with the boy.

"Jung Hoseok" I stared at him blankly. (They couldn't be the same perso- Nope nevermind screw him bYE)

~Yahh....Sorry for such a shitty chapter but nonetheless here you guys goooo  sorry it's been taking so long to update these...but have fun with this crap book, bye my little nig nogs~

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