| One |

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I sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time before finally dropping my phone onto the plain white sheets of my bed and getting up.

'It's too early for this' I thought as I made my way into the matching bathroom that connected to my black and white themed room.

Making sure the water was warm enough, I hopped into the bath to start my morning routine. I stood in the hot water for a bit, letting it warm up my nearly frozen body, before washing my slightly-oily hair. Once finished, I stepped out of the tub and dried off before going to brush my teeth, drawing little patterns on the foggy mirror as I did so.

"Not bad," the words slipped as I realized I was early for once. Wrapping myself in a towel, I quickly head to my room so I can can put on my uniform. Once clothed, I sat at my desk to make myself look somewhat decent enough for the judging gazes of students that I have yet to become familiar with.

As soon as my hair was dried and my face looked presentable, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, and silently thanked my mother who, for once, made breakfast before heading to work. I took my time eating and scrolling through irrelevant posts, as I had more than half an hour to get to school by eight.

My food was long gone but I continued to sit there, thinking, 'goal for today: talk to someone - not just Hae Ra unnie- and try to make friends. Fighting!'

A little notification popped up on my phone, dragging me out of my thoughts, reminding me that I'm going to be late if I don't leave now. I quickly put my dish in the sink and walked out the house, locking the door as I go.

School wasn't that far away so I decided to walk but not before making sure I had my earbuds in. I ignored people's stares as I walked down the road and turned up my music.

Once the school was in sight I took out my earphones and walked into the main gates. The not-so-quiet whispers from the students could be heard by everyone, including myself. And though some helped boost my pretty low confidence others brought me right back down to where I started.

"She's so pretty! I envy her"

"Who does she think she is, trying to look cool. She looks like a loner"

"Dude, just ask her out! You're such a baby"

I looked around at the cliques that covered the courtyard and shook my head at how foolish some kids were being. 'Who cares what they think? Not you. Besides, you're not that pretty. But you're not. Ugly. Do not forget that. You're.. Average. Yeah, averag-' My thoughts were cutoff by an arm linking with my own,

"Good morning, Hana" Hae Ra unnie pulled me towards our classroom.

"Good morning"

"Have you heard? Sojin and Jaebum broke up, but he seems happy about it." How she knows this, is a mystery to me but it's quite amusing; besides, it's only been a few days since we first started school, how can a relationship be so short.

Sometimes I just don't understand relationships. Then again how would I? I've never been in one before.

"Oh, reall-" I stopped talking as soon as I saw the teacher walk in. His serious personality had scared me since the first day. He started the lesson immediately, no good morning or anything smh.

He took attendance and began talking about our course and how the rest of the year is supposed to look like. Once he got through everything he began talking about a project that were supposed to do. 'Hopefully I can do it with Hae Ra' I prayed that I wouldn't be stuck with strangers for the project.

"We'll be starting a New Years project and I've already set up the gro-" he was cutoff by a bunch of sweaty boys running into the door. He glared at them and opened his mouth to speak but someone beat him to it,

"I'm sorry sir, we got lost," the what seemed to be leader of the bunch, spoke first. The teacher just shook his head and let the boys take their seats before continuing his thoughts.

"Hey, can you catch us up?" I jumped at the hushed voice that spoke right near my ear. I tore my gaze from the board and saw a guy with gorgeous hair right next to me, I also found another twelve pairs of eyes staring at me. I looked away as fast as I could, using my hair to shield my less-than average face, 'Of course it's me sitting next to them' The thought ran through my head but I nodded anyways, still hiding behind my curtain of hair.

I spoke quickly and quietly, scared to get caught but luckily they understood what I said and wrote down nearly every word. They spoke silently amongst themselves as I finished, thus making me worried that they too were talking about me.

I don't doubt the fact that my face was red and probably will be for the rest of the class. To my surprise I felt a tap on my shoulder. Were they trying to get my attention? I turned to look at them and found them waiting for me to look their way.

They all silently thanked me in their own odd ways, some nodding, some smiling, some doing weird motions, and I couldn't help but smile back. They looked shocked to see me like that, 'that's what you get for being anti-social.' I looked away from them, slightly uncomfortable and continued copying notes off the board.

Class ended soon after and the teacher walked out, but not before telling us that we'll be splitting up into groups tomorrow. Once he was out the door, I stood up to go to the rooftop with Hae Ra but a tap on my shoulder stopped me.

"Hi, um..thanks for earlier, we really appreciate it" a guy with a beautiful smile spoke, "I'm Joshua, you are?"

"Hana. Lee Hana" I faced the floor as I spoke, trying my hardest to hide my slightly flushed face, 'who wouldn't be blushing when thirteen good-looking guys are watching your every move.'

"Oh, nice to meet you Hana. Where're you going?" Another one spoke this time, his small stature only slightly taller than mine.

"We're going to the rooftop, wanna come?" Hae Ra unnie popped up beside me, her smile proving how friendly she was.


We made are way up, all fifteen of us. They played around as we walked, surprisingly, even the quietest ones were playful. I still had yet to learn their names, but from what I saw they were a talented group of people. Some were dancing, some singing, there was even some rapping, it was honestly amazing.

A nudge at my shoulder made me look up, "maybe these guys can open you up," Hae Ra unnie teased before running up ahead near the two hilarious boys with voices of angels.

People stared as we walked, most likely because of the boys - whether it was because of their good looks or their volume was unclear to me - but it was a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey," I looked around to find the owner of the deep voice, "I'm Mingyu, this is Wonwoo," the Giants stood to my left, the taller one speaking while the other simply waved.

They stared at me, waiting for my reaction, "nice to meet you Mingyu," he smiled and walked away before I could continue.

"Wonwoo, right?" The one who stayed nodded and gave me a small smile before looking ahead at the group who was meters ahead of us.

First chapter done! I'm honestly feeling a bit proud lol. Hope this one comes out as a good one:)

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