| Three |

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It had been a few weeks since I first met the boys and since then I'd like to say we've grown quite close. I'm finally able to talk to them normally and I've gotten a bit attached to them despite their constant teasing. They think my introverted ways are amusing and the fact that I've been single for the entirety of my life is "adorable." I still remember the  conversation;

"Hana?" Me and Dino were talking as we waited for the next class to begin, "do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Just wondering, have you had one in the past? You're pretty and I'm sure tons of guys in the school like you!"

His cheery attitude and small attempt to make me happy was nice but the answer remained the same as it all ways has been, "Dino-yah, there's a reason Hae Ra unnie calls me lonely, I've never had a boyfriend in my life, though I don't quite understand why I would need one."

"Really? Like, really really?" He stopped and scanned the classroom stopping to stare once he found his target, "Wonwoo hyung! She's like you! She's never been in a relationship either"

There are no words to explain how embarrassed I felt, I mean, he screamed it loud enough for the entire world to hear. Though, I must admit, watching Wonwoo walk over and hit Chan was hilarious and made up for the embarrassment.

It's Saturday and I'm at home, like always; my mom was home as well and decided that she needed to go out, but, unfortunately, because of her stubbornness, I was forced to go with her. Luckily, my brother, Min Suk, was with his friends for the weekend so it would just be the two of us.

I was in my room getting ready to go out with my mom to do some errands - and hopefully some shopping. People think because I don't like attention and I do well in school that I'm boring and have no interest or hobbies but I honestly like doing many things like reading, writing, binging on anime and manga, drawing, and makeup. I also have a very low key obsession with aesthetically pleasing things, whether it be art, singing, dancing, words, places or thoughts. Because of my interest - and my bad habit of procrastination - I tend to take a while to get ready.

My outfit was on the bed; I chose to wear a casually versatile piece, not knowing what may happen today. The loose army-green button-up top fell nicely on my frame and the pair of denim shorts made my legs look much longer than what my small stature proves to be. My makeup was done simply, but I made sure that my eyeliner made my eyes the focal point. Before walking out I grabbed my favorite pair of tan gladiator sandals and then made my way downstairs.

My mom, who I assume was waiting for me, checked my outfit giving me a nod of approval before grabbing her purse and walking out the door. I made sure everything I needed was in my bag before walking out, locking the door behind me. I ran down the path to the sidewalk where my mom was already waiting in the car.

Once we were moving she started speaking, turning down my music before doing so. "So, have you made any new friends?"

"Uh.. I guess," I look at her wondering what's going through her mind.

"Oh, who?"

"No one much, just a few kids in my class"

She laughed, "are you serious? Don't you know me? Your mother knows all." She paused and looked at me, her smirk clearly evident. "Besides, how would I not notice my daughter walking around with a bunch of cute guys? Now tell me how'd you get lucky?"

By then she was laughing at me and I felt as if I was still at school being playfully teased by the boys. "Mom... This isn't funny.."

"Then why are you smiling, huh? You and I both know that those boys are good-looking"

"When did you even see me and the boys together?"

"With them walking you home nearly every single day, how would I not see them! Plus, don't think I don't notice you coming home later than usual. Hmph, hanging out with Hae Ra my ass," and here we have it folks, my mother - who had me at seventeen - acting like an overly-dramatic sister. "I want to meet them."

'Great, wonderful, shit I'm screwed' Once she made up her mind there's no changing it, she's stubborn like that. "Why?"

"Because I said so, they should come over for dinner soon! That'll be fun" she smiled at me and I knew that was the end of the conversation.

We went around town, dropping off mail, returning items, and picking up necessities. After all the errands were done she decided to go to the mall, which I was secretly hoping for. We went shopping, which is actually fun with her (not that I'll ever tell her that) because like me, she likes clothes and makeup and just nice things in general. We bough a lot, maybe even too much, and got hungry so we headed to the food court to pick up a bite to eat before going to the market, aka our last stop before home and sleep.

As we were sitting, enjoying our food a large group walks into the mall, unfortunately I, like always, have terrible luck. I end up making eye contact with one of the people and am immediately recognized.

"HANA!" The scream rings throughout the food court, followed by the stomping of thirteen teenage boys. My mom looked around for the source of the noise and instantly found the stampede of teens running our way. She looked at me, then back at the boys, then back at me, a smile crawled onto her youthful features, the feeling of delight making itself known.

"H-hey Hana" Mingyu panted as he spoke, all of them were trying to catch their breath, "who's this?"

I gave an awkward smile, slightly embarrassed. "Hey guys, this is my mom."

The boys, once they heard mom, basically did a complete one-eighty, they stood straighter, acted calmer, and greeted her in near unison.

She laughed at their antics and gave them a warm smile, "hello boys, nice to meet you! Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter. As a thank you, how about you guys join us for dinner tonight?"

This time, in perfect unison they spoke (though some probably yelled) "We'd love to!"

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