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*Flashback, 6 months ago*

Madelyn's POV

It was now 3 days from the Friday night dance and I was hoping that my best friend, Shawn, would ask me out, I kinda like him, a lot.

"Hey Madi, uh, I know this is a late notice but would you like to go to the dance with me?" Shawn asked.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I hugged him, I was so happy but that ended.

"I see you landed her, good job bro, now stick it to her, what really just happened" said one of his friends Taylor Caniff with a camera in his hand.

"Umm Madi?" Shawn said.

"Yeah" I was curious of what was happening.

"Th-This was fake, actually-this actually was a prank" he sighed, I could tell he regretted it. A warm tear escaped my eye, "Why Shawn?"

"I could answer that for him, he doesn't like you, he will never like you ever again, this is fake, this was a prank, so forget you ever met Shawn, better yet don't even think about him, got it?" explained his friend Cameron Dallas. Another tear streamed down my face, I nodded my head, 'yes'

"I hate you Shawn" I announced running out of the park crying not even looking back. Shawn has been my best friend since I was 14, I never though he would leave me. Now I have nobody, I never cared for anyone else, only Shawn. How could he? In the worst time. My dad is currently in the hospital for an overdose which leaves me with my abusive mother, I'm alone.

*Present Day*

Another school day with Shawn. The boy who broke my heart and left it broken. Starting 6 months ago, I have been bullied everyday by Shawn's friends. Why? I don't know, at least he doesn't do anything to me, he just sits back and watches it happen, he doesn't care.

I put on my clothes and walk out of the house until, I find my mom on the floor of my kitchen with an empty pill bottle in her hand and a note on the ground.

"Mom, oh my god, no, not the way dad did it" I sobbed. Yeah, she beats me for no reason, but what do I do now? I picked up the note left at her side.

Dear Madelyn,
By the time you're reading this I should be dead, I did this because of you and so did your father. We both realized we all needed to be separate, you are a mistake. The beatings are what you deserve, you're worthless, you aren't talented, you can't do sports, you can't sing or dance, you can't play an instrument, all you do is sit back and suck up air. -Mom

Words cannot explain how hurt I was, my parents were gone because of me. I am the reason 2 people no longer live and enjoy life, I am a mistake. I wiped of my tears as only my sniffles filled the room. Soon my phone rang and it was my best friend, my only friend, Olivia.

"H-hi" I said.

"Madi, are you okay?" She asked concerned. I sniffled once again, "I-I'm fine, I'll see you at school," I quickly hung up the phone so she couldn't say anything else. Olivia has always been way more of a girly girl than me. I can't stand 2 hours of shopping but she could go on for an eternity. I just sat down on the couch not even caring I had a dead body on my floor and that school starts soon. It's only a 3 minute walk anyway. Then again, I probably should do something with the body, nothing stupid though. I called the police and told them my mom had committed suicide by an overdose and in no time sirens began to ring and such. I opened up the door for them and they rushed in for my mom. One paramedic picked my mom up walking out of the house and sat her on a gurney to take to the hospital, everything flashed before my eyes. The cops asked me for the whole story so I told them everything, including the note and its content.

The cop that was questioning me thanked me for my time and told me that after this morning I don't have to go to school today and handed me an excuse note for school, but oddly I wanted to go. Olivia was there, and she is the only person I have. I grabbed my backpack slipped through the cop cars surrounding my house and made my way to school.

I entered and walked through the empty halls of SilverBell High , the only sound you could hear were my continuing sniffles and the steps I took. I made it to my first room and disrupted the class session.

"Ms. Clark, you are late once aga-" I slipped the excuse note in her hand, getting her to stop talking. She looked up at me in sympathy and mouthed 'I'm Sorry' but I don't need her pity. I lightly rolled my eyes and found a seat at the back of the class. I walked up the class and then I was tripped by the one and only, Cameron Dallas.

"Ms. Clark, is there a problem?" Asked the teacher sternly.

"Uh no, just clumsy" I lied. I could hear whispers across the class room as I made my way up to my chosen seat. I plopped down on my seat and was hit by a note in the form of a paper plane, very mature, I already knew it was from one of Shawn's friends. I opened up the note and it read:

Oh Madi, meet us after school at the boys bathroom closer to the school entrance. Don't try running away princess, we will find you. - Jack G

I sighed and closed the note, another meet up like usual. Another time of the day where I would be brutally pushed against a wall and beaten half way to death, by the people who forced my best friend into betraying me.


I found a lunch table and sat down waiting for Olivia who finally showed up.

"I know your not okay so tell me everything" she demanded out of the blue. I did what she said and told her every detail beginning to cry.

"Oh my gosh, Madi" she engulfed me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry."

"Can we just not talk about it" I asked, she nodded her head and we continued with our silent lunch time.

*After School*

I walked out of the school when the bell rang hoping to get away from the boys but that backfired. I was brutally pushed against a wall by Cameron.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to put up with this" I finally spoke up for the first time in 6 months.

"Oh, girls got a mouth" one of the boys Aaron Carpenter said. "Handle it Shawn" Aaron stepped away leaving Shawn to handle it. The only hurt Shawn has ever done to me was emotional hurt, he wouldn't do anything physical.

"Are you kidding me? Shawn wouldn't lay a finger on me!" I yelled. Apparently I was wrong because Shawn's soft hand came in contact with my boiling red cheeks causing me to fall to the floor holding my cheek trying to sum up what just happened. Tears began to stroll down my face uncontrollably, the boys just snickered and laughed walking away but Shawn stayed back.

"I'm sorry" he said and then soon left. I got up myself and walked home having enough of this, I'm going to end it all, I need to. As much as people say I deserve this treatment, I don't think I do.

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